Faisal Islam Profile picture
Econ Editor, BBC. Fin crisis book @theDefaultLine .. Newsnight. Host award-winning 2016 EUref TV interviews & 2017 GE debate. United ST.

Aug 6, 2019, 7 tweets


It’s the exit ramp from the Channel Tunnel freight trains at Calais....next one...


Winner: this is the new Channel Tunnel electricity interconnector providing electricity to UK from France’s nuclear power stations and also the other way from UK renewables....

... reenacting the scene from Danny Boyle’s 28 weeks later when the zombies reach the continent... via the Chunnel service tunnel...

... inside the Channel Tunnel service tunnel with top team @mspriyapatel and Neil...

watch out for Priya and @DharshiniDavid big exclusive fascinating first ever broadcast interview with Zara boss

... lovely artwork at the mouth of the Channel Tunnel including words from British and French schoolchildren about the connections between neighbours.... 🇬🇧 🇫🇷 @francobritish

... and at Calais... “discordia”

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