Fionna O'Leary, 🕯🇪🇺 Profile picture
Retired lawyer. Cooking & good food, books, conversation, dancing, music. Forever European. Mastodon:

Aug 13, 2019, 8 tweets

If there was any lingering uncertainty that the Koch brothers are the primary sponsors of climate-change doubt in the USA, it ought to be put to rest by Christopher Leonard’s “Kochland: The Secret History of Koch Industries and Corporate Power in America,”…

2/. The Koch “Secret Sauce” apart from its 80% control over their business empire is its long term planning, patience, flexibility not to mention a relentless pursuit of profit.

Stockholders can’t interfere much with that level of ownership & control.

3/. It was known they were involved in the climate change denial “industry” back in 2010.

But there is evidence it went back as far as 1991.


Imagine if we had all taken adequate steps THEN where we would be NOW

4/ They piled money and influence on congress to prevent carbon taxes back in 2010.

They amplified their messages through what Koch insiders called their “Echo Chamber”: donors, shell groups, “think” tanks, academic centres and non profit groups

You see how “the élites” (hollow laughter) “invented global warming “hoax”

Philip ellender, Koch’s top lobbyist actually claimed in 2014 that the world had got COOLER in the previous 18 years when NASA said that 18 of the 19 hottest years had occurred in the previous 2 decades

And Charles Koch has said to allied political donors in 2018 that in his book Trump has delivered more “progress” in the last 5 years than they had done in the previous 50 years.

Not for us.
Not for the Earth.
Not for the current young generation.

Or the next.

Just for 💰 💰

7/. Previous two were 5/ & 6/

Two additional tweets to give you something to think about.

Click on the links here.

8/. And this. The Koch brothers might be serious about lining their pockets but they are not serious participants in the human race and we have to think hard about how we cut off their destructive power.

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