Council President M. Lorena González (Seattle) Profile picture
From migrant farmworker to civil rights attorney fighting for women, kids, workers & immigrants. Former Seattle City Council President & At-Large CM (2015-2021)

Aug 14, 2019, 8 tweets

It’s the start of Day 3 of the COUrban Masterclass! Today, we are in Malmo learning about comprehensive planning and housing policies. First up: a presentation from a City of Malmo city planner at Malmo City Hall.

Like Seattle, Malmo is a fast growing City with a harbor. Some interesting facts: 31% of residents are foreign born, 177 nationalities in the city, 150+ languages spoken.

The growth in the population meant the City built 4,000 new housing units in 2017 and 50 new multi-story preschools.

A robust discussion on the challenges that Sweden is still facing in its housing policy from the municipalities perspective.

In spite of the housing unit production, Malmo has 3,000 “socially” or “structurally” homeless people. They’re housing policies focus on vulnerable populations but challenges remain.

Touring the West Harbor in Malmo that has been converted from industrial lands into a residential and commercial area. Here’s a “cyclohotel” that comes with a bike for each room and are long term rentals. Doors are big enough to fit a cargo bike through.

Huge thanks to our @malmostad host who is walking us through town and educating us on the role the City of #malmo has played in redevelopment of this area with a focus on housing and sustainable transportation infrastructure.

Check this out! This city developed neighborhood was the world’s first carbon neutral neighborhood. Points were awarded to developers for incorporating green roofs, drainage and trees...

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