Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

Aug 16, 2019, 7 tweets

Lot of footage coming out of #Harare showing security forces using heavy-handed violence to disperse planned protests. Strong presence of security forces around Harare's central areas and Africa Unity Square. @UKinZimbabwe has urged sec forces to "show restraint"

Very heavy-handed tactics used by security forces in this footage, filmed this morning in #Harare. The protestors were standing on corner of Sam Nujoma St & Jason Moyo Ave. H/T @FingazLive for footage. Geolocated:…

@FingazLive More footage from down on the street, verified by @bertram_hill1, showing #Zimbabwe riot police beating protestors as they run away from the scene in #Harare on Jason Moyo Ave & Sam Nujoma St. 👇

@FingazLive @bertram_hill1 Footage showing protestors fleeing south on Simon Muzenda St in #Harare pursued by police using tear gas. Note: reinforcement sec forces carried in back of vehicle also moving south towards the protestors. Footage geolocated to:…. H/T to @FingazLive for 📹

@FingazLive @bertram_hill1 Footage of the arrest of a protestor, still beaten while being dragged away. Footage filmed out the front of Herald House in #Harare. Geolocated to here:…. H/T to @HStvZim for 📹 #Zimbabwe

@FingazLive @bertram_hill1 @HStvZim Scenes from #Harare's protest this morning. It was a crackdown from security forces. Footage from Enbee on Jason Moyo Ave. Geolocated to:… H/T @NewZimbabweCom for 📹 #ZimFreedomMarch

@FingazLive @bertram_hill1 @HStvZim @NewZimbabweCom Update from Zim Min of Info (@InfoMinZW) claiming "after a few skirmishes...normalcy has returned to #Harare" (). Video uploaded by @InfoMinZW filmed at:…, 3 blocks away from protest area. See above tweets for what happened this AM.

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