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If only we'd started to care about evidence, truth, and data before aeroplanes started to fall out of the sky. Who needs regulation eh?

Aug 18, 2019, 17 tweets

The 2nd audience requested thread to cover Brexit from different angles.

For those who said they were concerned about giving remainer tips to Leavers, don't be.

We try to keep leavers with us. But since it's impossible to do brexit in the way it was promised They may switch off

What a challenge! Find a way
1. To make a brexit case
2. To deliver brexit
3. Most, at least a majority of Leavers and Remainers support it.

FWIW we think the final one is impossible, everyone is too dug in now. But it could have been possible once and so we'll build that case

This is the journey we'll take you all on

Section A. The Case to Consider for the UK.

(And a crucial renaming of the project)

Section B. The alternatives for the UK compared to the EU

Section C. The transition plan for the UK to our new model

Section A. The Case for the UK

Before any case building we have to rename this project. Maybe some like a project which has a goal of leaving something without going somewhere. But Remainers hate that

So how about the British Intelligent Gowth Hope and Transition plan


Remainers feel better already. All soft and warm. This isnt an existential unplanned threat to throw the country at the asset strippers.

BRIGHT is just looking at the best options for all of us in the future.

Who could object to that?

To make this case, we have to all agree we should even start.

For Leavers that's easy, a corrupt EU, stealing sovereignty etc. Crucially we don't need to make the case to you. You're already there.

Remainers, you're the problem we need a different approach.

If BRIGHT will end up in the UK leaving the EU, Remainers actually should be our prime audience.

Why? Too many to ignore.

You can brush over a niche. But if you want to drive huge change, the majority needs to come with you. Or you create resistance.

We want BRIGHT to work

We will never be devisive.
We won't say traitor
We will not divide and conquer
We won't lie to try to make our case
We'll never promise the impossible

Not because we're particularly nice snowflakes. But because history is littered with good ideas that failed due to division.

We spend time studying remainers. We find that any suggestion we make will be questioned, any promise scrutinised, any plan disected

In that we'll find a positive. They are a naturally curious lot. They could even help.

Which makes our bid to kick off Project BRIGHT so simple

This is a our pitch to all

Do you think we need to plan the long term future of the UK?
Should we look at the big changes we need to benefit us all?
Should we have a plan for the next 30, 40 or 50 years so our children inherit a better country?

I'd sign up for that BRIGHT plan

After a few weeks of inevitable media bashing, attempting to corrupt BRIGHT with agendas from their owners, we move forward.

BRIGHT's board cuts across politicians of all flavours but also includes normal citizens who have a special job. To criticise
To ask always how this helps

Why the citizens?

They are us

We know this project will need huge change

We know the media will create divisions - both for headlines and in service of billionaire owners looking after themselves

And we're realistic. Everyone distrusts politicians. Why pretend otherwise?

So now we're set up and running, we just need to make the case.

We now need to think more about leavers because at this point we risk losing them.

Ironically not because we'll be going in a direction they'll disagree with. But because we won't describe a world they know.

Our job is easier than Vote Leave. We don't have to demonise the EU because we're not leaving, we're going somewhere.

We don't need cartoon commission villains, Turks crossing borders or 40 years of bendy banana lies.

So we use the money to give everyone some crucial facts

There are two types
1. For Leavers we separate the EU from the world. Many remember life before the EU. We clarify what we're stuck with even if we leave

2. For Remainers we will define what we give up in order to get.

We may end with different views but we need the same facts.

At the end of Section A, BRIGHT gifts the UK these things

1. Same starting point. For example we all know that the world operates in trade blocks and by leaving one we are joining another.

2. We have a shared view of what the EU gives us. Even if we don't all value it the same.

Section B. The alternatives for the UK Compared to the EU


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