pro labor independent Rico P Profile picture
Union Operating engineer, Political wonk, lover of NBA TV. Progress isn't easy or in a straight line. Center-left wins.... ask Bill and Barack.

Aug 18, 2019, 6 tweets

These dark green states are part of the Bible belt.... Or Evangelical junction.

If you're struggling with white voters in the great lake states, enjoy trying to flip Bible belt states if Barack Obama isn't your name.

Trump has a lock on evangelicals... He can ditch Pence for Rubio, lock up Florida and still have those folks love him. Arizona is our best shot at flipping a sunbelt state and I'm not 100 % bullish.

It sucks, but you need 3 if these five to have a chance and 4 out of five to guarantee a win. Clinton did it, Barack did it, and 2020 dems will need to.

Flipping Ohio won't be any tougher than Carolina or Texas. Throw 16 margins out the window.

The Obama 2008 coalition wins.

An Irish Catholic will run well in the Midwest..... (Through gritted teeth) that's why Biden is so strong early. Beto, if he can EVER get traction could be competitive.

Harris and booker can compete on black muscle in the Great Lakes region alone. We gotta win those states.

You'll need a 2020 version of Obama Biden to Win in 2020... There's no way around it. We have to run better with Catholics than we did in 16... That hurt in the Midwest, yo.

It's gonna be tough sledding on the south next year..... That seems like the dems plan:

A sunbelt invasion.

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