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Our fight is not left vs right or Red vs Blue, but free individuals uniting against Globalist control. \\\

Aug 18, 2019, 6 tweets


1) Canada 2020 is incredibly important to understand. There has been a lot of time, money, and effort spent on this; much of it from outside of Canada.

2) There's a very specific reason why these efforts are being made and resources are being used. Read Brian Mulroney's words from a speech he made at a Canada 2020 conference. Think United Nations. Think about the unelected people within these NGO centres who want more power.

3) It's very clear what's been going on here and it doesn't take much to figure it out.

4) They're all part of the same swamp...

5) They're everywhere...

6) This is the most critical election in Canadian history. Your choice:
1) In your face, blunt, overt, globalist policies? @liberal_party 🇺🇳
2) Sly, good cop, covert globalist policies? @CPC_HQ 🇺🇳
3) Common sense, Canadian focused policies that can UNITE Canadians @peoplespca 🍁

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