⚓️ 🇺🇸 Proud Navy Veteran (Link to Bluesky below) Profile picture
Disabled Navy Veteran, Former Corporate Executive, https://t.co/s1VcpGQzj1, https://t.co/3tiWt0B2Z2

Aug 22, 2019, 7 tweets

Thread - Let yourself imagine...

Imagine you wake up tomorrow & find that @realDonaldTrump has signed an executive order suspending Federal funds to Blue States, saying it's being wasted.

Citing our huge deficits (he created w/ tax cuts for the rich), what if he declares a...

National Emergency & orders a big reduction in Social Security, & stops reimbursements from Medicare & Medicaid?

In need of a distraction, let's say he orders the US Military into Chicago to fight crime, and he suspends habeas corpus, detaining suspects indefinitely.

What if...

He decides he's had enough of the "Fake News" & has reporters jailed for false charges.

What if he announced a joint military exercise with Russia on US soil?

He "jokes" that if people don't vote for him in '20, he'll start a nuclear war saying "we'll all go down together!"

As it becomes apparent he is likely to lose the 2020 election despite his threats, he decides to cancel the election entirely, saying his supporters want him to stay.

What if he does lose the election & is facing Federal & State Indictments - Can you imagine what he wouldn't do?

From Nov 3rd until Jan 20th, he's stewing - faced with handing over power to a Democrat & being taken into custody right after the inauguration.

I can't imagine what he wouldn't do to avoid that situation, can you?

Oh, and what happens if he wins?

Look - We couldn't have imagined what he's done thus far, & nothing I've listed (& many things I haven't) are too far fetched to consider him doing going forward!

So, when you hear, "Let's not #ImpeachTrumpNow, let's let the voters take care of it in 2020!"

You should...

Consider the worst-case scenarios, because those are far more likely than any traditions or norms.

Please share/retweet the first tweet in the thread. (If you do that everyone can see the entire thread).

People need to think this through.

The stakes are too high not to. Ty!

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