⚓️ 🇺🇸 Proud Navy Veteran Profile picture
Disabled Navy Veteran, Former Corporate Executive, Political Junkie and Published Author
BlueGlowAgave 🌻 Profile picture Deanna Harkins “Guard Your Vote” Profile picture Al Thompson Profile picture 3 subscribed
Jun 21 4 tweets 8 min read
The Senior Citizens Dialogues
Post 1 - June 21, 2024

Part 1

Participants - Husband and wife, both in their 70's. P1 is male and P2 is female.

Me: (As I'm arranging the table with my phone to record the session and preparing to take notes).

Thanks for agreeing to talk with me today. If you don't mind me asking, why did you agree to participate in my project?

P1: I enjoy politics, I'm active in the local Republican Party, and I guess I'm curious about your motives.

Me: (speaking to P2) And you?

P2: I'm mostly just tagging along with him. I am interested, but not to the degree he is. (Smiles)

Me: As for my motives - I want to learn what you believe and why you believe it. That's it. My readers are interested in your thoughts and so am I.

I will ask questions. If any of them make you feel uncomfortable, you can decline to answer.

I'm not here to present my own ideology or try to change yours.

P1: That's good, won't happen.

Me: Any questions before we get started?

P1: Who are your readers? (Attempting to find out my political affiliation).

Me: I have approximately 100,000 followers on a social media site and I have a blog. My readers are mostly Americans, but I have connections with people from all over the world and all walks of life. It's amazing to me just how many people, all over the world, are engaged in our politics.

P1: Could I get a link to your site?

Me: Not today. After I complete my project I will post links to both my social media account and my blog so all participants can read what I've written. If I provided that information now, it would inevitably impact this process. I hope you understand.

P2: That makes sense, doesn't it dear? (She puts her hand on his arm as if to say, "let's move on," I get the sense she has other things she would rather be doing).

P1: Yes, that's fine.

Me: You said you were a Republican. Are you a current supporter of the Party's presumptive nominee?

P1: Yes, very much so.

Me: Is there anything in particular, any singular policy or position, (of his), that is most compelling to you?

(They look at each other).

Both: Abortion.

Me: What would come in second or third?

P1: I don't know, (looks at his wife, who shrugs), nothing else seems to elevate above the others. We support his entire agenda.

Me: It's interesting that you used that word, agenda, because I had hoped to discuss his proposed agenda with you today, to get your thoughts.

But first I want to give you the chance to explore any subject you would like. Is there anything in particular you would like to discuss?

(They look at each other and both shake their heads).

P1: No, nothing in particular.

Me: Trump has mentioned a couple different agendas during his campaign speeches. He references Project 2025 and he talks about seeking "Retribution." Are you familiar with these?

P1: I've heard of both, but I don't think Project 2025 is his. When he talks about Retribution, he just means holding people accountable.

Me: Who? What people?

P1: Those who have attacked him, those who have weaponized the DOJ and law enforcement against him! He wants to hold the Deep State accountable!

Me: Do you support that?

P1: Absolutely! Don't you?

Me: Oh, my readers are bored with my thoughts, let's focus on yours! (I smile and wink to bring down the temperature, simultaneously reminding him that I'm not expressing my opinions).

Me: What does Retribution look like? What do you think he will do?

P1: He will put people in jail! He will prosecute those who have prosecuted him unfairly!

Me: Is it important, to you, that he follow established laws?

P1: Not really, I mean we can't trust the system! He needs to do what he needs to do!

P2: He needs to start at the border!

P1: Yes, mass deportations! And lock up everyone who facilitated that invasion! That Mayorkas character needs to be in jail today!

(She pats his arm, reminding him to calm down).

(Continue to Part 2 below) Post 1 - June 21, 2024

Part 2

Me: Should Mayorkas be afforded due process?

P1: Due process? (Chuckles) He deserves the same due process the American People got from him!

P2: He needs to feel as unsafe as we do! To worry about his family's safety!

Me: Have you two experienced violence associated with immigrants?

P2: No, but that doesn't mean the threat isn't real! I haven't been in a tornado either, but that doesn't mean I don't take precautions! (She becomes emotional, expressing genuine fear).

(He takes her hand to comfort her).

P1: The threat is very real and more importantly immigration is a weapon used by the Left to destroy America! To destroy our heritage!

Me: How so?

P1: (Looks at his wife) See!

(He appears to be suggesting I have a bias against him).

Me: No, I'm just trying to understand why you feel immigrants are destroying America and your heritage. How are they doing that?

P1: By coming here! By voting for Democrats! For living off our tax dollars! By having babies that instantly become citizens! By taking our jobs! Shall I continue?!

Me: No, I appreciate that. As for the heritage piece . . .

P1: Here we go!

P2: Just explain it to him honey, he's being nice.

Me: I'll be specific - Trump talks about immigrants "Poisoning our Blood." Is that what you mean by destroying our culture?

P1: Yes! Isn't that a problem for you?

P2: Honey! (Trying to calm him).

Me: That's okay, this stuff can get emotional. Do you two personally know any immigrants?

P1: Yes, there is a family that lives just down the road from us. They raise cattle. I rent a few acres to them for grazing.

P2: It keeps him from having to mow it. (She chuckles) Wonderful people, hard working! Very hard working!

P1: But they are the exception!

Me: Meaning?

P1: They are not trafficking drugs or committing crimes are they? That's why!

Me: Do you know any other immigrants?

P2: There are some folks who attend our church. One family has 3 beautiful little girls, one is friends with my granddaughter.

P1: Again, exceptions!

Me: Why do you believe these are exceptions?

P1: Don't you listen to the news! That Mexican killed that white girl, (turns go his wife), where was that?

P2: I don't remember.

P1: Anyway, he killed her, probably raped her too.

Me: Okay, so there's thousands of immigrants . . . (P1 interrupts).

P1: Millions! There are millions flowing across the open border!

Me: Okay, let's say you are correct, here is my question . . . Why is the one incident of violence extrapolated to all immigrants, but not the goodness you see in ones you know?

P2: Extrapolate?

Me: In other words, why don't you think that most immigrants are like the ones you know vs the few incidents you hear about on TV?

(P2's eyes open wide, both actually and apparently metaphorically).

P1: Because, like I said, they are exceptions.

Me: But how do we know that?

P2: I don't know that we DO know that. Do we dear?

P1: I guess we can't be sure, but I still think they are a threat. The border should not be open!

Me: Were you aware the Congress negotiated bipartisan legislation that would have funded more control over the border?

(Both shook their head no).

Me: Yes, and President Biden said he would sign it.

P2: Did he?

Me: No, because Donald Trump asked Congress not to pass it. He said he wanted it to remain a campaign issue.

P1: I don't believe that for one second!

Me: I'm not expressing an opinion, it's a fact. You'll be able to find information online about it.

P1: Like I can trust that.

Me: Well, that's my understanding. If you find out I'm wrong please let me know.

P1: I will.

Me: If you verify I'm right it would seem to be in conflict with the urgency to resolve the issue, wouldn't it?

(No response).

Can we circle back to Trump's plan for Retribution?

P1: Sure. (Seems happy to leave the subject of immigration).

Me: Does any aspect of that bother you? Retribution I mean.

Continue to Part 3 below.
Mar 26, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read

So, Atheist, what are you going to say when you find yourself standing in front of God?


I'd have a lot of questions.

Why did you stay hidden?

Why did you stay silent?

Why did you demand faith instead of providing real evidence? Why did you reveal yourself in a book full of historical inaccuracies and theological contradictions?

If you knew that the vast majority of the human beings you created would wind up in hell, why did you create them?

Why did you create hell? Why did you create evil?
Mar 26, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Trump's speech last night ratcheted up the rhetoric again.

There's nothing he won't do for power, including colluding with foreign adversaries, threatening violence and Civil War!

There's nothing he (or anyone else) can do to undermine his support amongst the Radical Right! The only thing that can derail this ongoing Coup, this Cold Civil War, is the rule of law.

If the Justice System fails, our Nation's future is uncertain at best.

Even if successful, the hate that drives division will remain and Trump will be their martyr.
Mar 15, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read

I see a small group of "Christians for Trump 2024" outside a local store where I live.

I wasn't going shopping, but I couldn't resist, so I turned around.

I listened to their discussions, then asked politely:

Is it challenging to be a Christian Trump supporter? Trumper: Not at all.

Me: Great, How do you feel about his border policy & family separation policy for immigrants?

Trumper: I support it, We have to keep America safe!

Me: have you experienced crime committed by immigrant?

Trumper: No, but

Me: Do you know someone who has?
Sep 27, 2022 19 tweets 3 min read

As a Veteran/Democrat - Things I believe (in no certain order):

1. Private funding of elections, and the control that gives to Corps/Wealthy, is the root cause of every problem we face today.

2. Democracy is in peril, and we must defend it regardless of the cost. 3. I support a woman's right to choose. But, in the absence of rape, incest, or the medical need to terminate the pregnancy . . . Responsible choices should be made before fetus viability. It's just the right thing to do.

4. Education is a right, and our system is broken.
Mar 28, 2021 9 tweets 2 min read

I can clearly remember when, at around age 9, I started questioning organized religion.

It was during my first experience with holy communion (bread/wine) with my Grandma.

It went something like this:

Q: What's that big cracker for?
A: It's not a cracker dear, it's bread. 2/

Q: It looks like a cracker. Does it taste like one?
A: Yes, but it's unleavened bread.

Me: I think it's a cracker.

Q: What's that?
A: Grape juice.

Q: The Preacher said it was wine that's like blood. Why is it juice?
A: Christians don't drink.

Me: Ok, but wait...

Mar 27, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Real Bible verses. (Bondman = Slave)

He that striketh his bondman or bondwoman with a rod, and they die under his hands, shall be guilty of the crime.

But if the party remain alive a day or two, he shall not be subject to the punishment, because it is his money.—Exodus 21:20–21 Non-Virgin before marriage:

They shall cast her out of the doors of her father’s house, and the men of the city shall stone her to death, and she shall die: because she hath done a wicked thing in Israel, to play the whore in her father’s houself.
—Deuteronomy 22:20–21
Nov 1, 2020 9 tweets 2 min read
Short Thread - My Closing Statement on the 2020 Election

2 Minute Read

Let's compare what we've been living through these past 4 years to the Preamble to the Constitution.

The overall objective:

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union . . . The goals of the document:

. . . establish Justice, ensure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity . . .
Apr 11, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
Life or Death Thread:

To restart our economy, without killing 1000's more Americans, we will need a logical plan.

1. Test/Categorize Americans into 3 distinct categories:

A) Home/Isolated/High Risk/Infected
B) Workers/At Risk
C) Workers/Immune/Antibodies Present (Donors) It's pretty easy to understand how Groups A & C will function moving forward. We're seeing those groups emerge now & function successfully, so we will focus on group B here.

2. Protect Group B, (Workers/At Risk):

A) Develop free disposable self-tests & require daily testing.
Mar 20, 2020 13 tweets 3 min read
My friend Bill called me today, said he was on his way to see his Dad in the hospital. Here's how our conversation went.

Me - Ok, but hold on, you told me your Dad was dead!

Bill - Yeah, that was his idea, he didn't want anyone to know we had him committed.

Me - Wait! What? Me - When?

Bill - Back in 2015 when I told you he died.

Me - So, he's been in a mental institution ever since?

Bill - (Sounding very sad) Yes.

Me - But why?

Bill - Well, you remember he had that wreck around Thanksgiving of '14 and got that big knot on his head? Right?
Mar 2, 2020 6 tweets 1 min read
Twitter Hack - Thread

Single best thing you can do to improve your Twitter experence.

1. Identify the top 10 to 20 accounts you like to comment on or Retweet most.

2. Go to Settings/Privacy, Notifications, Push Notifications, & TURN ON Push Notifications.

Wait there's more👇 3. Search/select those accounts you identified on step #1 and turn on that account's notifications (the little bell and + sign usually). Select "All Tweets." Repeat for all the accounts you've want notifications from.

Of course, my account should be on your list! 😃👇
Dec 14, 2019 5 tweets 1 min read
I've been following & resisting this mess since Trump announced in 2015. Here's my theory:

1. Trump is a Russian asset.
2. GOP emails were stolen, by Russia, when the DNC was hacked.
3. The emails details Russian coordination & $ flow to the DT/GOP via the NRA & straw donors. 4. It's been made clear to the GOP members that the repercussions of exposing the Trump/Russia alliance would include major political, legal, and even personal/family welfare concerns.
5. We are in the midst of a clandestine war with Russia. An attack decades in the making.
Nov 1, 2019 5 tweets 2 min read
Short Thread

As I watched the @GOP House Members stand up & lie for Trump yesterday...

As I see @FoxNews, Conservative Media, and Trump lie several times per day...

I ask myself, shouldn't we do more to identify & present the truth to the American People?

The answer is YES! I suggest that @SpeakerPelosi & @SenSchumer do two thing immediately:

1. Form a bipartisan "Truth Group" of former members of Congress, 5 Dems/5 GOP, and call on them to evaluate the validity of Trump/GOP/Dem/Media claims/statements.
Sep 20, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
A #ClimateStrike poem for our kids.

Grandpa I Can't Breathe

This morning I flew to Dallas, to see my son and his wife Alice,
and to hold my grandson for the very first time. When I laid my eyes on that young child, I recognized a face I hadn't seen in a while, but one I had seen hundreds of times before.

In dreams I had many years ago, I'm holding a child I did not know, but It's a child I that obviously loved.
Sep 16, 2019 6 tweets 2 min read
My Truths

I am starting a thread today that I will add to for the remainder of my time on Twitter or Earth. (Could be both).

Just short statements I believe to be true. Feel free to add yours.

My first:

· Trump represents the biggest test of out democracy since the Civil War. · A Journey without Steve Perry is not a Journey I enjoy.
Aug 22, 2019 7 tweets 4 min read
Thread - Let yourself imagine...

Imagine you wake up tomorrow & find that @realDonaldTrump has signed an executive order suspending Federal funds to Blue States, saying it's being wasted.

Citing our huge deficits (he created w/ tax cuts for the rich), what if he declares a... National Emergency & orders a big reduction in Social Security, & stops reimbursements from Medicare & Medicaid?

In need of a distraction, let's say he orders the US Military into Chicago to fight crime, and he suspends habeas corpus, detaining suspects indefinitely.

What if...
Feb 24, 2019 9 tweets 2 min read

People ask me, "Why doesn't the @GOP want to solve problems?"

Because problems = Power & Control.

If we had a fair legal immigration system that works, how do they use fear & bigotry to win elections?

If we had a fair & equitable tax system, how would they . . . Hide huge tax breaks for the wealthy, disguised as tax breaks for the middle class, that Dems then have to campaign against (or campaign to resend)?

If we had great schools, with strong civics classes, how does ignorance cause the ill-informed to . . .
Mar 3, 2018 10 tweets 3 min read
Short Thread on Sensible Gun Ownership

1) Americans have a constitutional right to own property & not have it taken without compensation (Read the 5th Amend). But there are laws & requirements for purchases, contracts, & usage.

Let's look at automobiles . . . 2) To purchase & use a vehicle for transportation, as its intended, you are required to:

Register it
License it
Be of a certain age
Pass a written test
Demonstrate proficiency
Become a licensed user
Follow applicable laws
Insure others against misuse

And . . .