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Pro-Freedom, Pro-Free Speech, Anti-War ☮️

Aug 22, 2019, 7 tweets

@TheDuran_com 11/ The story of this email sent to State Dept. Robert Otto, by Bill Browder, three days before his Prevezon appeal in New York, on 9 June 2016, the same day as Goldstone setup the Trump Tower meeting. Browder's lobbyist and lawyer Jonathan Winer was Steele's handler at State.

@TheDuran_com Why was Browder spying on Veselnitskaya, part of the Prevezon defence, who had applied for a B1-Visa on 26 May, and sending a photo of her house to State on 6 June, which approves such Visa's? Surely it wasn't out of the kindness of his heart to ensure she makes his hearing?

@TheDuran_com Goldstone admitted in his Senate testimony to making up the phrases like "Dirt on Hillary". Goldstone conned Don Jr and Veselnitskaya by using a middleman gambit. Don Jr and Emin each heard Goldstone's version. NV was led to believe Don Jr could help report Browder to Congress.

@TheDuran_com It was a perfect setup, Browder could use it to discredit Veselnitskaya and Glen Simpson, as they met to discuss his appeal on 8 June, before his appeal on the 9th, and a dinner after, with the entire defence team. All it took was to tell his Fox hacks not to mention his appeal.

@TheDuran_com Similarly Winer could tell Christopher Steele, that members of the Trump Campaign had a "high level meeting with a lawyer close to the Kremlin". Its not a stretch to think that Browder secretly asked Winer to employ Simpson as a cut-out for Steele, and be kept in the dark on TT.

@TheDuran_com The Prevezon Case was settled in May 2017. Browder could never be put in front of a jury after his 2015 deposition.
With the case over, a trail of crumbs lead the NYT to discover the TT meeting. Browder embarked on a vicious smear campaign against all involved.

Lucky guess 🤥

@TheDuran_com Too bad Bill's flawless memory failed him when asked about his "good friend", tax accountant Sergei Magnitsky, who stated he had no idea of Browder's whereabouts, while he was in jail taking the fall for Browder.

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