Brett Harris Profile picture
Pro-Freedom, Pro-Free Speech, Anti-War ☮️
Parler: @PaulSchmehl #ArrestSOMEBODY Profile picture Brett Harris Profile picture 3 subscribed
Mar 7, 2022 11 tweets 4 min read
Let's talk about the real Nazis.

How the US Helped Set 'Ukraine on Fire'
- The Real News
How Propaganda Conquers Democracy…
Apr 18, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
@Catrina25350514 Yes and yes and yes. @Catrina25350514 And yes again:
Apr 18, 2021 7 tweets 5 min read
Danish Press Board says report on Bill Browder Magnitsky lies and his tax evasion in Russia are true:
#NoMagntiskyAct 🇦🇺

@PeterCronau @WilkieMP @janet_rice @larissawaters @Greens… Bill Browder gave false and misleading testimony to the Foreign Affairs Subcommittee for Human Rights, multiple times, after being warned by the chair @kevinandrewsmp that it may be Contempt of Parliament:
Oct 9, 2020 19 tweets 19 min read
@1foreverseeking @BabeReflex_8 Brennan isn't the only puppet of the criminal psychopath Browder: @1foreverseeking @BabeReflex_8 "Interesting" Image
Oct 6, 2020 5 tweets 2 min read
First Belarus, then Armenia, now Kyrgyzstan, meanwhile the OPCW finds Navalny "poisoned" by toxic chemicals put on the Schedule in Nov 2019, by does anyone see the pattern here? @MaxBlumental @BenjaminNorton OPCW experts confirm toxic substances in Navalny’s blood
Aug 21, 2020 12 tweets 10 min read
You despicable slime ball. What gives you the right to make baseless accusations given all the false and malicious lies you not only have told to the media, but the vicious ways you attack good people who expose your lies, while you a snivelling coward blocking all debate. Come on asshole, answer for you public lies, why did you lie about Magnitsky, why did you let him rot in prison, why are you such a Russophobia bigot, after the you became rich on their misery, and why if your basedless allegations are true, you are still alive.
Feb 25, 2020 5 tweets 5 min read
@mtaibbi Matt, you didn’t see them coming when you assisted them beginning of Russiagate, by repeating the lies and falsehoods of Bill Browder, smearing Veselnitskaya, not even investigating why her client could settle without guilt. Browder was deposed, he couldn’t substantiate his story @mtaibbi Have you read the article by @BenjaminBidder of @derspiegel? Rather than post that, it is more instructive to read Bidder’s response to Browder’s media complaint:…
Oct 22, 2019 13 tweets 17 min read
@jamie_beehive @stranahan @POTUS @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump I believe I can answer that. Bongino spreads the false story, that Glen Simpson and Russian lawyer Veselnitskaya met before and after the Trump Tower meeting, to prepare and report on the meeting. This allows Bongino in his ghost written book to write Browder out of Russiagate @jamie_beehive @stranahan @POTUS @FoxNews @realDonaldTrump In fact, the meeting was all about Browder, about him falsely accusing Veselnitskaya's client Denis Katsyv of money laundering, passing all the evidence to US Attorney Preet Bharara, to instigate the Prevezon Case. They wanted Browder's false Magnitsky story in US case law.
Oct 5, 2019 5 tweets 3 min read
Russia lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya accuses Bill Browder of illegal surveillance (June 6, 2016) and Trump Tower setup, as revenge for exposure of his Magnitsky lies in his Prevezon deposition.
@VesNagency @NakedHedgie @antiputinismus @stranahan @TFL1728

This is independently corroborated by this email from the State Dept’s Robert Otto email dump, sent the day she was granted a US visa by the State Dept to attend Browder’s appeal hearing in New York on 9 June 2016.
Sep 18, 2019 4 tweets 3 min read
Browder extrudes himself out of defamation lawsuit by claiming no jurisdiction in DC, because he doesn't receive money from his book, and his media/govt appearances are excluded by a "government contacts" exception. @stranahan @NakedHedgie @LucyKomisar… @stranahan @NakedHedgie @LucyKomisar
Aug 22, 2019 7 tweets 5 min read
@TheDuran_com 11/ The story of this email sent to State Dept. Robert Otto, by Bill Browder, three days before his Prevezon appeal in New York, on 9 June 2016, the same day as Goldstone setup the Trump Tower meeting. Browder's lobbyist and lawyer Jonathan Winer was Steele's handler at State. @TheDuran_com Why was Browder spying on Veselnitskaya, part of the Prevezon defence, who had applied for a B1-Visa on 26 May, and sending a photo of her house to State on 6 June, which approves such Visa's? Surely it wasn't out of the kindness of his heart to ensure she makes his hearing?
Aug 19, 2019 5 tweets 8 min read
May 18, 2019 8 tweets 9 min read
Nov 16, 2018 7 tweets 7 min read
@MaxBlumenthal @susannelw @MintPressNews Good work Max, no one is talking about this. But I believe it is incorrect to associate these groups in the US with MAGA and the right in general, who are just as against these as most progressives. We already know who the political fascists in the US, they are in plain sight. @MaxBlumenthal @susannelw @MintPressNews We know who supported the coup, Hillary, Obama, Biden, Nuland, all three Chalupas, McFaul, McCain, Graham, Pyatt, Soros, Power, Brennan, with journalists Applebaum, Weiss, Harding, Ioffe, and Atlantic Council - almost all Clinton Democrats.
Aug 6, 2018 9 tweets 9 min read
@thehill How many laws did Bill Browder break by conspiring with the State Department to set up Natalia Veselnitskaya, the lawyer who was defending her client in the Prevezon Case, after defence council had discredited his evidence under cross examination. Note date 6 June 2016. @thehill He had the motive, his Magnitsky Story had been dismantled by NV and Glenn Simpson along with US based legal team Baker-Hostetler, after he was finally forced to appear in April 2015 to defend his secret evidence to Preet Bharara instigating the case
Jul 2, 2018 16 tweets 23 min read
@4corners The dogmas of the past are indeed inadequate as is the investigative work on this story. Veselnitskaya wasn’t there about Clinton donors, she was only in the US defending her client Pyotr Katsyv, after Bill Browder secretly passed dubious material to US Attorney Preet Bharara(1) @4corners NV hired US law firm Baker Hostetler to defend Katsyv in what became a civil lawsuit, because the burden of proof is reversed and the defendants have to prove they played no part in the crime. The reasons for this become clear when the defence uncovers Browder’s role (2)
Mar 29, 2018 16 tweets 5 min read
@JimmyDoreShow If you want to know that backstory to the Russian lawyer Natalya Veselnitskaya, and who the bluster over Donald Trump Jr, was designed to protect - a conspiracy even bigger than Russiagate Listen to what happened to author Alex Krainer when he published his detailed takedown of Browder and his xenophobic book "Red Notice"