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Our fight is not left vs right or Red vs Blue, but free individuals uniting against Globalist control. \\\

Aug 23, 2019, 10 tweets


1) The idea that the PPC will "split the Conservative vote", thus giving the Liberals another 4 years in office, is based on a false presumption.

2) The presumption is that the Conservative Party is actually 'conservative'.

Conservatism: Political doctrine that emphasises traditional institutions and practices.

3) It's difficult to see how they can call themselves 'conservative' when Scheer and Harper have described themselves/the CPC as "pragmatic" and "centrist".

4) If the CPC were truly conservative, would they:
- promote Globalist UN policies like Agenda 2030?
- support Oger/Yaniv, & The Squad?
- perpetuate our rampant national debt?
- pander to & promote political Islamism?
- advocate large government?

Does the CPC offer solutions?

5) So does the word 'conservative' actually align with the Conservative Party? Or is it more of a brand name? It does seem like the Conservatives and the Liberals are more closely related on policy issues than they would have us believe.

6) The entire reason that Bernier left and started the PPC was because the CPC would not embrace actual conservative principles. Max stated that the CPC is "...too intellectually and morally corrupt to be reformed.". They are proving to us that Max's assessment was correct.

7) Can anyone actually see a difference between these two?

8) Would the Conservative Party undo what the Liberals have done? Or would they keep pushing Canada in the same direction as they always have?

Let's see what former Conservative PM Mulroney has to say about the difference between the Liberals and the Conservatives.

9) My loyalty is to my principles and my Country and I will support the party that most closely reflects MY values, regardless of the party's name.

I believe that the PPC embraces TRUE conservative principles and that their platform represents what is right for Canadians. 🍁

10) What are your principles? Do the policies of the CPC truly reflect your values? Do you support the "Conservatives" because of the name, or because of the principles they promote? Are you a "Conservative", or are you conservative minded? Unfortunately, you can't be both. 🍁

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