Aneesh Gokhale Profile picture
Author, 'Battles of the Maratha Empire' ' and 'Lachit - The Indomitable' (formerly Brahmaputra) Sometimes a sailor too.

Aug 25, 2019, 15 tweets

Savarkar praised by Congress and Communists on various occassions.

Savarkar also congratulated / praised Congress leaders and Communists on few occasions

1. Postage stamp issued in 1970 under Congress rule

Savarkar congratulating YB Chavan

Also to note , enough courtesies between the two to be enquiring about health etc.

Savarkar appreciating a step taken by Nehru

More military on the Eastern borders

Here we find Savarkar praising the Communist Government of Kerala !!

Dr S. Radhakrishnan asked students to emulate patriotism of Savarkar

Congress leader C. Rajgopalchari praising Savarkar

Cellular Jail coin issued in 1997

Associated with Savarkar and many other revilutionaries

Dr.Ambedkar and Savarkar mutual respect and praise for each other is well known especially with regards to anti casteism work done by both.

There is a photo of Communists in Mumbai felicitating Savarkar. Trying to find it.

Sharad Pawar speech praising Savarkar


Sushil Kumar Shinde praised Savarkar in 2004 after MNA antics because he knew Savarkar has cross party appeal in Maharashtra.

Prepare now for Oct 2019 for same reasons

Comrade MN Roy had genuine appreciation for Savarkar

Called himself a branch of a tree which was Savarkar

It was Communist Party leader Hiren Mukherjee who moved the motion to condole Savarkar's passing away in the Lok Sabha.

Another Communist leader SA Dange also praised the late Savarkar


Looks like good material for an article 😬

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