Hilary Abernathay Profile picture
If only we'd started to care about evidence, truth, and data before aeroplanes started to fall out of the sky. Who needs regulation eh?

Aug 26, 2019, 5 tweets

Lots of rich twats have never used "will of the people" to justify anything in their lives. Until it suits them.

Thing is, theyrea bunch of lying bastards. They want to say one bit is the Will of the people, while ignoring the other bits. Like stealing your house after you move.

Mogg says"Vox populi, vox Dei" means will of people is will of God.
Smart? Nah misquote.

"Nec audiendi qui solent dicere, Vox populi, vox Dei, quum tumultuositas vulgi semper insaniae proxima sit"

Means Don't listen to twat who says that. He's using you to steal your vote.

17.4m of us have been told we're getting the brexit we voted for for so long we've forgotten what that is.

So reminder. You wanted more control of your

Mogg and Johnson are giving you less control of all 3, plus nicking your wallet.

And you're happy?

17.4m may have voted for Brexit.


17.399995m did not vote for the Bankers Brexit they're actually doing.

So to the 5 of you who wanted a brexit which gives you less control of money borders and laws. Congratulations.

You're getting it

Watch my hands very closely.
Pick a card.
Still watching.
No way I could have switched anything right?

Except for renaming Brexit to No Deal so I don't have to give you anything you wanted. But I make Rees Mogg and Johnson really rich.

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