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🔸HRH The ArchBitchess of Mylapore🔸Class Oppressor🔸I make Genghis Khan look like a humanitarian🔸My cigars cost more than your education🔸Pronouns 🖕🏾/🤛🏾

Sep 2, 2019, 7 tweets

1n yet another #kashmir #torture lie buster. Seems like both @BBCWorld & @Independent found the EXACT SAME two guys for their fables. This thread will explain why they’re conning us & also why their torture story seems a cooked up piece of fiction. Exhibit 1:

2n quaint isn’t it? That both chaps have the EXACT same pattern of wounds? Marked 1 to 6 the wounds on @BBCWorld on 29th August, and the EXACT same bruise marks seem worse by the 1st of August in @Independent, which is the natural course of bruising (representative image)

3n where things turn “curiouser” is the 3rd set of images. The bruise patterns marked 1-3 are EXACTLY the same. These are the same pics the @BBCWorld saw on a phone. Yet, surprisingly 4 days later, 1) the bruising remains purple & strangely shows uneven contraction 2) the lower

4n right calf muscle bruising has disappeared completely, yet the left lower thigh bruising has hardly contracted an inch, How? At any rate the stories of “widespread torture” are being extrapolated from a sample source of the same 2 people

5n which means all the local stringers know who it is - which means so do the cops. So why hide the identity? Simple cuz they know their story wont hold up to public scrutiny. Also note who the @Independent’s author writes for & make up your own minds.

6n meanwhile notice this closed circle of fake news spreaders tagging each other & repeating the same story of the same sample size of two. 5 days apart, same two samples, changed stories, changed papers

7n thanks to @bokoder for pointing out... Check the mole.. ZERO scarring of any kind on 29 August ZERO, but develops into serious welts by the 1st September. Clearly 2 sets of beatings, high likelihood of self infliction given that stage 1 bruising wasn’t PR worthy enough

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