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"I wish her well." - Donald Trump to sex trafficking rapist, Ghislaine Maxwell - 7/21/2020 Ghislaine Maxwell found Guilty! 12/29/2021

Sep 4, 2019, 7 tweets

Some more on this #EpsteinAssociate, Christopher Gaie, circled in the black book with arrows pointing to his name as "Witness"

(Now I am sure :P)

In police notes, he's listed as an important witness, shown to be a French driver of Epstein's while in Palm Beach. Also list his email from the screenshot above, Jetaviation.

Jet Aviation was used frequently by Epstein.…

In 2011, Gaie was arrested for burglary. This was the only picture of him I could find.

He divorced his wife, Sonya, a few years before that. She's worked in the aviation profession, most recently at Atlantic Aviation.

Her FB includes lots of his family members as friends but neither on hers, or any of theirs, is the name "Christophe" ever mentioned, so either he changed his name, isn't very popular amongst his family, or he's very incognito.……

Not sure what he does for a living at the moment, he's 48, last known address was in Delray beach, Florida.

As recently as July of 2015, he was a Chef at Sur La Table, teaching cooking classes there I believe.

h/t @eyeDeco 😁

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