Laurel Chor Profile picture
My name rhymes with Pharrell. Emmy-nominated journo, photographer & filmmaker from 🇭🇰. @NatGeo Explorer. she/her.

Sep 8, 2019, 9 tweets

Central MTR station is rather crowded and full of black-clad people as thousands head to Chater Garden for today’s police-sanctioned rally and march.

Inside the station: two women with US flags and spare to hand out

It’s like the 4th of July here or something. (Taken about an hour ago.) #HongKongProtests

This is a big crowd. They’re all heading towards the US Consulate. New chant: “FREE HK! PASS THE ACT!” in reference to the #HongKongHumanRightsandDemocracyAct co-authored by @marcorubio.

New tactic from the police at Mong Kok Police Station: holding mirrors to bounce back lasers shined protesters.

3-4 bean bags fired. Protesters were heckling them from afar. They’ve now retreated. First aid medic reportedly hit in leg.

Someone threw a bottle (?) of red paint that landed at the bottom of the barriers outside Mong Kok Police Station. So the police raised the bean bag gun again.

Pepper spray deployed after police charged down Nathan Rd (again). Apparently a young teen was arrested and the officers sprayed him and the first aid medics next to him from a distance of a few feet.

My cab driver who’s taking me home is telling me that he goes to protest areas on purpose hoping to pick up protesters. He says sometimes he doesn’t take their money. “I’m old,” he explains. “What else can I do to help?”

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