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18+ Trauma Reenactment Therapist, Dad, High test, low IQ, friendly

Sep 9, 2019, 14 tweets

Cuck Chairs In Hotel Rooms: A Thread

Have you ever been in a hotel room, or maybe seen one one in media.
Have you taken your time to ponder upon the layout of the furniture, their functions, historical reasoning and positioning?
The bed is of course the essential part, but what else is there? Bedside tables... and..

...Cuck chairs.
Now, before you dismiss this as a simple joke of the present - a mere passing of the online zeitgeist, I invite you to ponder - what is the true meaning of these additional furniture pieces?

Why would the hotels spend extra money in a piece of sitting when most only need the bed for the night. Bedside tables - sure. TVs - yeah, but these rooms are fitted for two beds, but only one comfortable chair.

Now you might think I'm just selecting a few pictures, but no - a majority of hotel room pictures display these types of sittings. The ones that don't probably don't reveal the chair from that angle in that room.

This one isn't even hiding it. It's a whole cuck arena. Most rooms would center the sofa group towards the TV. Not in hotel rooms. The main attraction of the hotel room is what is going on in the bed.

And the first row ticket to the show is the cuck chair.

Some try to make sense of it.
Like this one: "Oh, the guests are to lay softly by the window and ponder upon the outside fish bowl"
But no, this one is even more perverse, as the cuck is encouraged to be spied upon as they please themselves to the show of the evening

This is my second favorite: The Cuck Nook.
One eye on his wife getting mangled by mandingo, one eye on the bypassers snickering at the balding pee wee ferret hastily pulling away on his mars bar in the hotel room seating we all subconciously know what really is for.

This I call "The 5th Wheel". Your mind wouldn't even think twice of this chair 5 minutes ago. Now your mind is as twisted as mine. As woke as mine.

Maybe some of them make sense.
Like this one.
Two people might spend the night here. Drink champagne - as the table suggests.
Two glasses.
A sofa for two to get acquainted.
A bed for two to get even more acquainted.
And a chair for someone to watch.
It makes even more sense.

As I bid you farewell from my near magnum opus of this topic, I hope the next time you enter a hotel room and gander at the furniture, you will have a heartfelt giggle as you imagine what could be, can be, and truly is a hidden secret about our culture.

I made a video of this btw


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