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I voted for this.

Sep 9, 2019, 10 tweets

Six women arrested in California capitol while protesting SB276…

Hundreds of protesters in hallways and in front of Govenor Newsom’s office, protesting SB276.

Vote on SB276 is expected to happen at 1 p.m.

Protesters are organized throughout the California state capitol.

Nearly every mother I’ve spoken to is not properly described as “anti-vaxx,” as most vaccinated at least one child, leading to what they claim is a vaccine-related injury. “Ex-vaxx” would be a more accurate descriptor. #SB276

Are all of these moms supposed to be ignored?

Vote on SB276 is scheduled for 1 p.m.

As of 12:50, public is being kept out of the California general assembly.

Group of concerned parents had been assured they will be allowed into the Assembly before the vote.

The moment a mother protesting SB276 was arrested. She was peaceful and the police were professional.

House galley is full as the vote on. #SN276 / SB 714, which put an end to medical exemptions for vaccines, is coming up for a vote.

Robert F Kennedy Jr speaks with parents who protested today’s new California law, which for all practical purposes eliminates medical exemptions for vaccines.

Yesterday I began the day on a flight with a state senator who called a bunch of moms "crazy anti-vaxxers," then watched some moms get arrested, and much more.

Report here:…

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