Cernovich Profile picture
Currently in production on two films. Investor in health and nutrition products (Masa chips, Pioneer Pastures, etc.) Currently launching a protein bar!
399 subscribers
Apr 4, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The Peter Attia / Rich Roll podcast is SPECTACULAR. Successful men are burying “trauma,” which often is the genesis of achievement. Feeling like you’re a piece of shit, you keep grinding. Hence why most high performer men aren’t “happy” and have to really work at that midlife. There’s a lot of pain stored in the central nervous system, not to mention the DNA. I thought this was goofy as hell til ayahuasca. It’s all there. Every memory. Including repressed ones you made yourself forget. And even ones where maybe you weren’t the good guy you thought.
Feb 20, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
The Project Veritas Board has back channeled talking points claiming James Okeefe was missing donor funds. What a clown show. Why not ask the donors if they care that James took too many Uber black cars? This is the latest desperate effort to shape the narrative. The Project Veritas Board is claiming it hired outside counsel to investigate how James O’Keefe used donor funds.

Complete set-up, but it’s why the Board claims it can’t explain itself. Hiding being “investigation”!

Time to go live and take questions, PV Board.
Dec 7, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
The real right accepts and is comfortable with hierarchy, cuz "there is levels to this." (And no I don't claim to be at the top.)

The left pretends to be egalitarian and then uses deceit and back stabbing to acquire status.

That's why the left wins. The right believes in honor. All things being equal, the dishonorable side will win.

In close elections, Democrats will do what Republicans won't, and even then - Republicans act surprised!

It's a failure to understand Deep Politics.
Nov 2, 2022 6 tweets 6 min read
@elonmusk @yoyoel New Knowledge got caught buying Russian bots to follow Roy Moore on Twitter during the 2018 midterms.

That’s an odd source to rely on for an “independent” analysis of the 2022 midterms. @elonmusk @yoyoel When Russian bots began following Roy Moore in 2017, it was treated as huge national story. Moore was mocked for blaming Democrats.

Yes, Democrats bought the bots and hoaxed the (willing) press.

Now someone who works for New Knowledge, the same firm, is on 2022 integrity?
Jun 30, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Getting a calcium scan on ❤️ done. Something all men should do, if only to establish a baseline. It shows if there are any arteries clogged. Often it’s genetic. Healthy people have had sudden heart attacks for decades. Plaque builds up and you don’t know until it’s too late. I paid cash. It’s too much hassle doing any of this stuff via a traditional MD. Was $349 and radiologist writes up a report.
May 30, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
Don’t mess around, use lots of butter.
May 13, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
The New Balance have extreme spring in cushion, not zero drop. Still feel amazing.

Altra or Hoka also both top shoes. Olympus 4 my favorite.

These carbon fiber insoles for gym shoes expensive but so is losing knee cartilage.

It’s your knees bros, get the advanced shoe tech. Do your homework on carbon fiber insoles. Some budget friendly options. Totally new technology out there that you are likely unaware cuz you don’t waste your evenings reading about shoes like a boring ass old man.
Apr 30, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
I read a true story of the conquistadors and let’s just say that your history teacher lied to you.

They walked into hell on earth. Indescribable horrors. Before CRT, the left was teaching fake history. Conquistadors weren’t good guys, but they walked into evil that is beyond Western imagination.
Apr 28, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
Did you know any of your great grandparents, if so how many?

I met one, the others had died already.

Had met both sets of grandparents on both sides of family. Anyway Attia brought it up in podcast. Interesting question and says a lot about lifespan. My grandpa’s parents died at 69 and 62. We would see that as a short lifespan today. By contrast gpa made it to 93 and his wife made it to 82. My dad is close to 70 and is still at it.
Apr 26, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Smart, thorough overview of how the body changes / ages in 40’s and 50’s.

Also debunks some of the conclusions from VO2 max studies showing massive declines are inevitable.

I don’t wanna be fast but do wanna be healthy.

Top recommendation 👇 I’m 44. When I was a kid, all old people were … old. By that I mean life sort of stopped. They didn’t do much. Maybe they had an AirDyne for exercise.

Even teachers in their 30’s didn’t 🏋️‍♀️

Physical culture has in fact come a long way, as have training modalities.
Apr 22, 2022 5 tweets 1 min read
Zone 2 is used differently by different people:

- LT1 (use a lactate meter)

- heart rate zone (MAF formula, and read 80/20 Running)

- Power zone (read Training With a Power Meter)

Unifying principle:

- It should feel so easy that you don’t think you’re actually training. All of the best coaches and athletes in the world, not my opinion, all say the same thing:

One easy days you go too hard.

On hard days you don’t go hard enough.

Using a heart rate monitor or power meter (even a fake one like Peloton has) is how you learn easy from hard.
Apr 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Take a rest day before. Get a fan to blow on your torso. Hydrate well. Eat carbs for breakfast.

Take the FTP warm up.

Then take the FTP test.

Set your FTP, then you’ll get “power zones” at the bottom of the screen.

Train in Zone 2 of that to start. Zone 2 is a lactate value. Lactate Pro is like $250. Some guys use that.

Zone 2 can also be a power zone (cycle).

You can train to heart rate under MAF formula or train to power. (Much debate over this.)

I keep my HR under 140.

For me, good enough.
Apr 17, 2022 22 tweets 5 min read
Lately I’ve been thinking about sin, not merely in the context of religion but more broadly - the insatiably of carnal desire. Here’s what I mean … In some religious traditions, there’s an emphasis on the sinful nature of the body. Vice is wrapped up in guilt. People learn to hate themselves.

And they leave the church, with some logic to it.

Then you get older, and you see where sin leads. For example:
Apr 17, 2022 6 tweets 3 min read
@AJA_Cortes Workaholics like to work long hours. How much time can you lift a week? Maybe 6-8 hours if you’re doing not too neurologically demanding movements.

Also a lot of those guys hate their wives. Gets them out of house. Sad but true. @AJA_Cortes Also you lose type IIs in your mid-30’s. It’s easier to make linear aerobic gains (as long as you’re willing to do 10+ hours a week) than strength gains.
Apr 10, 2022 11 tweets 2 min read
As someone who has actually helped men, for like a decade plus, here’s the accurate assessment of college vs trade school.


If you don’t want to do that, and you’re at a point of life where you feel you have to make a choice, consider this: 1. No drugs, no alcohol, no cigarettes, no speeding. Don’t do anything stupid before you try to make the “right choice.”

That’s not talked about what. Focus is, “Do this or do that.”

First avoid catastrophe.

Then consider:
Apr 9, 2022 6 tweets 5 min read
@elonmusk @Jason @justinbieber Twitter employees understand the company’s role as being a far left wing super PAC with a “tolerated” but shadow banned and marginalized conservative token resistance.

Making the site popular isn’t a company goal. Helping Democrats win elections is. @elonmusk @Jason @justinbieber The Babylon Bees guys like any conservatives can tell you how they’ll watch huge conservative trends get manually eliminated as fringe far left wing ones get boosted.

Twitter is a far left wing super PAC. All rules and priorities make sense when seen through that filter.
Apr 5, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
As a teenager I had summer job doing home care for a family friend. Their dad has Alzheimer’s and needed someone to watch him whole son was at work.

I thought Alzheimer’s met “they forget stuff.”

It was incredibly tragic to watch. You think of “memories” as where you put your iPhone or keys. But your memory is your identity and also your position in time and space.

With Alzheimer’s…

Slowly their identities dissolve. They are startled, or in terror, as they have a moment of lucidity. “Where am I?”
Mar 1, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Our favorite game is Memory. As old card sets would begin wear out, the 5 year old would notice a fray on the back side. I called this out as playing with marked cards.

I bought some new sets, and both girls have now begun marking cards.

Ngl pretty funny. The 3 year old can play Memory. Gets matches on her own once I taught her to play. Sometimes wins if she gets an extra lucky match. Children have a greater working memory than adults. On a small deck I win. On a larger set where they are more matches, my 5 year old usually wins.
Feb 10, 2022 12 tweets 3 min read
Stuff I picked up from parenting books and works.

1. Let your kids do stuff on their own. This seems basic, but it really does take a LONG TIME and a lot of patience to sit there while they struggle with basic tasks you could do yourself for them. This is how they learn. 2. Include kids in what you do. Again, seems basic, and also neglected. Kids really just want to hang with you. When doing stuff, fold them into it all. Running errands is fun for them. A 25 cent lolipop at Home Depot when I buy plants is like gold to the little ones.
Jan 22, 2022 8 tweets 2 min read
I love the debate about Trump vs DeSantis because, excluding the cult takes, it’s a real debate.

DeSantis isn’t going to pardon anyone interesting. So stuff people are mad at Trump for won’t change.

DeSantis has more neocon instincts.

That’s the @ScottMGreer case for Trump. If you’re mad Trump didn’t pardon Snowden and Assange, that’s a good and justified feeling but DeSantis won’t do that either.

Many cuckservatives / neocons are pro DeSantis, this is a negative indicator.

(I am pro Heavy D but see the case for Trump 2024.)
Jan 14, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
What were climate stuff they made you scared of as a kid?

Gen X here.

We had

- acid rain

- hole in ozone layer

- rain forests wouldn’t exist

Starting as kids, with those little magazines (weekly reader) they’d hand out, it was climate based panic and hysteria. We were literally taught that the hole in the ozone layer was going to give everyone skin cancer.

Then it turned out that many sunscreens contain carcinogens.

Go find those old Weekly Readers from the 80’s.

Total hysteria.

Directed at little kids.