Speaker of the House of Representatives Profile picture
Official account of the Speaker of Nigeria's House of Representatives, Rep. @femigbaja.

Sep 17, 2019, 9 tweets



”It is my pleasure to welcome you all back to the chamber after the annual recess..” — Speaker @femigbaja

”Before we adjourned the House, a significant amount of work had already started. We had begun legislative action through the consideration of several bills including Electric Power Sector Reform Bill, Physically Challenged bill etc.” — Speaker @femigbaja

The House of Reps will consider important legislation such as the Petroleum Industry Bill (PIB) which is important if we are to properly address the structural, operational and policy challenges in Nigerian Petroleum Industry...” — Speaker @femigbaja

”In addition to the PIB, we will see the introduction of the Bill prohibiting Estimated Billing in the power industry, intended to put a permanent end to the wastefulness and unfairness created by the arbitrary system...” — Speaker @femigbaja

”As part of the effort by @HouseNGR to gain firsthand knowledge of happenings in those parts of our country where banditry, insurgency & communal clashes have laid waste to towns & villages, I recently led delegations to Borno, Zamfara and Katsina States” —Speaker @femigbaja

“Over the course of the recess, we convened two National Roundtable Discussions on reform of the budget process & on recovered assets...The sessions provided an opportunity for institutional stakeholders from the executive & legislature to engage” — @femigbaja

“It also allowed us to begin to prepare the ground for the 2020 Appropriations Bill which we expect will shortly be presented to the National Assembly by His Excellency, President @MBuhari , We look forward to receiving the Executive’s proposals — Speaker @femigbaja

”Join me in commending the actions @Julius_S_Malema leader of the @EFFSouthAfrica & a respected voice in the politics of that nation who openly & without equivocation, condemned the attacks & directed his organisation to provide aid & protection to our citizens“— @femigbaja

”In a similar fashion, Sir Allen Ifechukwu Onyema, Chairman of @flyairpeace provided his organisation’s services without charge, to repatriate those Nigerians who were willing to return home to escape the carnage that had been visited upon them.” — @femigbaja

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