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Columnist| writer| YuvaBrigade| Natural Farmer| NamoBrigade| TeamModi| Nationalist ಕನ್ನಡಿಗ| Ramakrishna Bhakt and Svami Ranganathanand ji Shishya

Sep 21, 2019, 17 tweets

River flowing five decades ago is now a gutter. Vrushabhavati was the glory of Bengaluru, we have spoiled it. Let us join to restore it back.

Please follow the thread to know more about Vrushabhavati

Vrushabhavati was river originating at Doddabasavanna temple of Basavanagudi Bengaluru, which then was filling the lake beside. Overflow off this lake would then flow to another lake called Kempabudhi then to Hosakerehalli lake.

Water from these lakes would then flow towards Mysore road encircling Anjaneya svami temple where it joined another stream coming from Malleshvaram. Kadu Malleshvara temple and Sankey tanks are also said to be the places where the river originates.

Temple was built 600yrs ago n idol installed by VyasaRaja. Because two streams of river joined here it was also called #Sangamakshetra n since from here the river was flowing westward it was also called Pashchima Vahini. Glory of d temple is because of the river

Just 45 years back people visiting the temple were taking bath in the river before having Darshan of the deity. Now it is just history as the river is completely destroyed and has reduced to a very big gutter. People literally recognize it as #KengeriMori 😞

Vrushabhavati river bank was favourite place of shoot for Famous Kannada star RajKumar. Sometimes people were calling this river by his name too!

As Bengaluru grew d real estate mafia engulfed everything. Forest destroyed, water bodies converted into plane land, lakes swallowed. Water boards failed to anticipate the future and finally sewer and storm water channels merged to spoil the river canal!

Bengaluru is in geographically advantageous position. Its Tapered all around which makes sewer to flow down easily for which Mumbai needs more than 120 pumps to lift and then take the sewer to Sewage treatment plant.

Presently in Rajarajeshvari Nagara we have a treatment plant which is not working to its capacity. sewage is neither cleaned nor treated before leaving it to the river. As a result Vrushabhavati has become a gutter today.

Peenya Industrial area dumps all its waste into Vrushabhavati. No stringent laws ever applied on them to treat industrial waste, Because of which heavy metal wastes joining the river has made it poisonous. Now it is VISHAbhavati in true sense😢

By the time river reaches the reservoir at Bairamangala it gets covered by Foam and looks like the milk flowing! Farmers use this water for farming n anything grown here literally carries poison in it! Baby corn that Bengalurians eat is a gift of this water🙄

Finally the time has come 2 save and restore the river. More than 30 organisations have come together to work in saving the river. #RunForVrushabhavati is the first event through which @yuva_brigade is creating awareness. Now people speak about river than gutter!

@yuva_brigade Steps in cleaning the river
1.Let us consciously convert our house, apartment and wards into Garbage free zones
2.We will have to do policing to stop people secretly dumping waste into manholes and river.
These r the short term plans that we citizens can takeup.

@yuva_brigade We will have to Pressurize government Building ward wise sewage treatment plants
2.separate sewage and storm water lanes so that pure water enters into river and sewage is properly treated!
@CMofKarnataka has to take a serious step now.

@yuva_brigade @CMofKarnataka Many have doubts whether we can see river flowing again? Definitely possible. Thames was same during 60s. But they took to streets, brought policy makers to their knees finally river of stink is flowing in pure form today.
We just need to take lessons from them!

@yuva_brigade @CMofKarnataka Sisamau Nala, The 128-year-old drain in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, which discharged 14 crore litres of untreated sewage to Ganga every day, Engineers have successfully stopped the discharge sewage water. So nothing is impossible.

@yuva_brigade @CMofKarnataka We request @CMofKarnataka to take a decision in saving this river and solve the drinking water problem of Bengaluru. @MoJSDoWRRDGR @JalShaktiAbhyan should also take a note as people are on street to save the river. This is our last fight, please support us.

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