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Largest grassroots anti-corruption org, bringing together independents, progressives, and conservatives to fix our democracy and end political corruption.

Sep 25, 2019, 5 tweets

1/5: @RenaldoPearson's journey of 700+ miles ended on the capitol steps—but the fight is just beginning. Grateful to the countless volunteers who walked & worked alongside him—and to those who sent pictures & messages of support from afar. ND, OH, CA & UT here! #Democracy911

@RenaldoPearson 2/5: The crew from Represent Cedar Rapids, Iowa is standing in solidarity to #Unrigthesystem.

@RenaldoPearson 3/5: Members of Represent Wisconsin sit on their steps—literally!—to show solidarity with @RenaldoPearson as he sat on the steps of the Capitol before being arrested. #unrigthesystem.

@RenaldoPearson 4/5: Pilot @DSilbizzy, Chapter Leader of Represent Denver wins the award for most unique solidarity selfie to fight corruption—from the cockpit!

@RenaldoPearson @DSilbizzy 5/5: Volunteers from across the country came together to show their solidarity for the #Democracy911 campaign to fight corruption—because it’s what you do when you’re fighting for something you believe in. This is our country; for the people, by the people.

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