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Esoteric Catholic fatherhood. #acks #dnd #brosr

Oct 1, 2019, 13 tweets

So I finally saw “Snowpiercer”. 1/

The film basically confirms every important conspiracy theory. Starting with “global warming” being bs and an excuse for scientists to heck us over; in the film they chemtrail the atmosphere to save us from muh warming and OOPS freeze the planet (pop control). 2/

Next up: the elites all want us stacked in pods and eating bugs. The folks at the tail of the train are the lowest (who live in pods and eat bugs) caste with richer casts in each subsequent cart as the protags get closer to the “sacred engine”. 3/

Mason, this Ayn Rand looking lady (with a very on the nose name, natch) shows up to keep the peasant class in line. Thus, randian and/or Masonic concepts (1776 mindset) keeps us in line. Gives us illusion of proper and fair heirarchy. 4/

Gilliam (left) is the mentor to captain America (right). Convinces him to storm through the train towards the sacred engine room. Cap succeeds by releasing the trains IT guy who agrees to unlock the gates bt trains for Kronol (a drug that is made from industrial waste). 5/

This dude gets high &unlocks doors to get closer to the “sacred engine room”; implying the way to see through the divisions is through hallucinogens (think Huxleys “doors of perception”, a book our elites love). Also reflects modern intelligence using drug trade as their fuel. 5/

Cap fights his way to engineer, Ed Harris, who reveals to him that he was working w Gilliam all along bc cap needs to be the new engineer. The revolution was a “show” to lower the population numbers and calm the people. Cap intended to take over & things move forward as usual 6/

So the film admits to us that eternal revolutions are a trick. There are no real revolutions. The devil, the first revolutionary, knows this. Modern Man does not. 7/

Caps backstory included him killing and eating wom3n and childr3n, telling us that the Elites choose their puppet revolutionaries based on how naturally degenerate and moldable they are. No natural aristocrats allowed! 8/

Anyway, junkie guy blows a hole in the train killing everyone but his daughter and a kid who’s abduction at the start of the film (shades of Epstein?) set off the events. Turns out science lied and the world is inhabitable. All life didn’t die as we’re told. 8/

Small possible meaningless thing I noticed that I’ll point out.
The film takes place in the 18th year of the trains existence. The plan was to lower the population by 74%.
18: 1 + 8 = 9
74: 7 + 4 = 11

film uses Marxist concepts to undermine said concepts. The train represents false material hierarchy &, in luciferian fashion, our imprisonment in spacetime. Ed Harris is the demiurge who Mason(s) believe we can achieve and or rise above. 10/

In such a case the only winning move is to escape the train itself. Film is a clear rejection of capitalism/communism (redundant) as well as modernist theologies which are mostly tied into enlightenment concepts of eternal revolution both spiritual and material. 11/11
5 stars.

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