How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App the wyt men #dnd players are coming to the #brosr while the #osr struggles to sell to g3nder goblin buyers actual conversations with @VassalOfChrist and others in March of 2020 where I said “so they’ll rush out this poisonous v4ccine and…” spider egg dream in Bladerunner is about this. We are replicants insomuch as our rulers program our dreams, memory, and aspirations with popular culture and fake news. have kids and you’re an idiot w*man can not give you permission to take a mistress. If you are weak and use her consent as an excuse to be a degenerate you will father a race of evil men. makes me lose respect for Gary as it sounds like Simpson’s comic book guy whining over the color of spirdermans costume in some film or something. Very weak. Diesel, the rock, and Jason statham are keeping f&f franchise rolling despite meh writing and a brand that changed its meaning wildly in the last decade. Movie stars still matter but corporations don’t want them to. rarely analyzed aspect of twin peaks is how Donna doubles. James is very freaked out by it & during the original series there’s no clear answer 4it. Until the film when it’s revealed Donna went with Laura for one night to the roadhouse and had a psych break in prequel to series to neverland second star to the right and then straight on till morning. has a PhD in cringepoasting fiction that doesn’t reference Christianity at least indirectly is simply s4tanic/luciferian/gnostic. Thus Christianity is relevant to it. And the author’s hide Christ from their fiction as a way of giving their readers despair.’s al ghul and the league of shadows believe in top down control and, like our irl rulers, are prepared to sacrifice others to achieve it. Their endgame might actually be an ok utopia in theory, since we know Gotham (“the republic”) is terrible 2/