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Esoteric Catholic fatherhood. #acks #dnd #brosr
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Jul 9 12 tweets 2 min read
Tonight I have a new Traveller character named Beat Takeshi. Fresh out of mustering out of the merchants he’s got a katana, daggers, and a Honda civic. He will find men of honor to join his crew on this new weird planet. #moonstein #brosr 1/ Image Gm Jeffro has noprep rolled up our starting planet as 10s of billions of people. This is now a city #Braunstein
There’s a thousand stories in this space city and I’m just the man to bring it honor! #moonstein #brosr 2/
May 28 14 tweets 5 min read
Dune Part 2 is an astonishing achievement in filmmaking that is ruined by the worst female love interest that has ever been put to screen. 1/ Image The cinematography and action proves you can lean hard on cgi and still do amazing things. The arena/fight scene on Gedi Prime with washed out b&w and casual brutality is one of the most disconcerting things I’ve ever seen; and effectively sets up the alpha bad guy 2/
Dec 1, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Goodman Games:
>remove all the male/female pronouns from your Dcc book to please tbe hard left
>hard left attacks you in the replies for only having white men in your panel
Was it worth it? #brosr #inlivingcolor
All the wyt men #dnd players are coming to the #brosr while the #osr struggles to sell to g3nder goblin buyers
Dec 3, 2021 18 tweets 7 min read
Happy secular non-denominational holiday season! “It’s a Wonderful Life” is a wonderful film that was an early entry in the psyop to make modern men unhappy in their lot. Its major psyop was fully revealed in “The Shining” and fully established in “Tomorrow War”. 1/ The defining characteristic of George is he wants to travel. Back then you couldn’t have your hero be a full on post-modernist orc who doesn’t value family etc.
So “wants to see the world” was the best you could do for your hero 2/
Dec 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
I knew in February of 2020 where were you? Had actual conversations with @VassalOfChrist and others in March of 2020 where I said “so they’ll rush out this poisonous v4ccine and…”
Nov 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Many Gen Z prob have subconscious hate for parents due to all their aborted bros and sisters Then there’s the extra metaphysical humiliation of making Junior parrot your reasoning. “Oh it’s my moms body her choice,” he says with a metaphorical gun (mom’s conditional love) to his head.
Oct 29, 2021 7 tweets 3 min read
It’s occult creation of alternate dimension(s) which our rulers will control. With our screens we already live in it most of the time but meta will bring us there full time. Elfland but gh3y. The spider egg dream in Bladerunner is about this. We are replicants insomuch as our rulers program our dreams, memory, and aspirations with popular culture and fake news. Image
Oct 19, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
A few years back I saw a zoomer review of “taxi driver” where the zoomer was shocked that Travis, who had a job, pretty big apartment (in nyc no less), and gf was considered a loser in the late 70s. A peak loser, even. The average young man in current year is much worse off. 1/ “Taxi driver” is what I call a “catcher in the rye” film. It continues the theme of “catcher” but fits it into its current year. Holden Caufield of “catcher” is even better off than Travis; being a rich kid in a boarding school. But with thr same issues (set to his era). 2/
Oct 16, 2021 7 tweets 1 min read
Conservatives can’t say that homers shouldn’t be around k1ds so instead they dump on natural traditional fatherhood and hope Buttgag takes some of the rhetorical splash damage I have kids and you’re an idiot
Sep 17, 2021 22 tweets 9 min read
The major films in the Alien series mirror the evolution (devolution?) of film, film culture and its audiences. 1/ “Alien” by Ridley Scott at its core is “2001 A Space Odyssey” with great practical gore effects but very few themes/tone Kubrick hadn’t already explored in his sci-fi opus. 2/
Sep 16, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Correct your w*man when she falters or you will share the fruits of her sin. Your w*man can not give you permission to take a mistress. If you are weak and use her consent as an excuse to be a degenerate you will father a race of evil men.
Aug 9, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
Gary Gygax didn’t understand film. This makes me lose respect for Gary as it sounds like Simpson’s comic book guy whining over the color of spirdermans costume in some film or something. Very weak.
Aug 2, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
The Mouse about to find out that Robert Downey jr absolutely did help sell MCU and capesh11 films. Vin Diesel, the rock, and Jason statham are keeping f&f franchise rolling despite meh writing and a brand that changed its meaning wildly in the last decade. Movie stars still matter but corporations don’t want them to.
Jul 15, 2021 7 tweets 4 min read
Sadly I hadn’t seen “Vertigo” before my Twin Peaks analysis below. It clearly has a major impact on twin peaks with the concept of doubling and twins.
@HordeOrc even pointed out to me that S3 and vertigo have many similar shots. Image A rarely analyzed aspect of twin peaks is how Donna doubles. James is very freaked out by it & during the original series there’s no clear answer 4it. Until the film when it’s revealed Donna went with Laura for one night to the roadhouse and had a psych break in prequel to series ImageImage
Jul 9, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
I sense elfland is a reflection of our imagination somehow made real. It arrives at twilight as this may be when the minds of men wander. Image Similar to neverland second star to the right and then straight on till morning. Image
Jun 4, 2021 11 tweets 6 min read
@JohnsonJeffro vs @KasimirUrbanski Pit Fight
The tongueless bard with a palor of death walks the pit beneath the Silken Pony Inn. The sands rblack w blood. A night of bouts has the crowd raccous 4 more. The bard speaks with a haunting voice from the outer realms 1/
#dnd #brosr Image This is in game fiction I already rolled. I’m narrating the event here for you, the people. 2/
#acks #auranempire #brosr #biggerpits
Jun 2, 2021 6 tweets 1 min read
Back to the future is about how the media can manufacture history through sheer force of will. Sort of like how they can meme the world into thinking there was a m4ssacre that didn’t actually happen. Almost every time Marty travels it’s whilst driving towards media shop. Photo Hut, movie theater, abandoned drive-in screen.
Jun 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Hell sounds as bad as reading your tweets Dude has a PhD in cringepoasting
Jun 1, 2021 4 tweets 1 min read
Thus modern “fantasy” has no relevance to anyone. Fantasy fiction that doesn’t reference Christianity at least indirectly is simply s4tanic/luciferian/gnostic. Thus Christianity is relevant to it. And the author’s hide Christ from their fiction as a way of giving their readers despair.
May 20, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
I think this is what makes Nolan’s Batman trilogy interesting. It’s not contemplation about happiness utilitarianism but pondering what makes a good Philosopher King. Ra’s al ghul and the league of shadows believe in top down control and, like our irl rulers, are prepared to sacrifice others to achieve it. Their endgame might actually be an ok utopia in theory, since we know Gotham (“the republic”) is terrible 2/ Image
Nov 9, 2020 9 tweets 4 min read
“Inglorious Basterds” is a fantastic post-modern film by Tarantino. The subtext is about how Hollywood ritually murders n4zi’s on screen to sustain their (Holy Wood’s) psyop power and humiliate their audiences into submission to the current order. 1/ Image Let’s start with the Bear J3w. 2/ Image