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Oct 3, 2019, 13 tweets

heading back to new york comic con because im a glutton for punishment...and weirdly fond of that extra thin convention center toilet paper

@NY_Comic_Con it smells of hormones in here #nycc19

@NY_Comic_Con i feel seen

@NY_Comic_Con i don't mean to alarm anyone but pretty sure maury and connie are in the nycc bathrooms

@NY_Comic_Con hold on a minute...

@NY_Comic_Con ok how did they fit in one cubicle tho?

@NY_Comic_Con Alright Dirtbags. That was some thin toilet paper… Slid right off the surface...if you know what I mean… *Eyebrows, eyebrows* - Maury 🍆

@NY_Comic_Con i can’t believe maury just tweeted from my phone omg

@NY_Comic_Con ok i’ve seen all i need to see and i’ve only been to the bathrooms so far #nycc19

@NY_Comic_Con but guess i could go see the big mouth panel at 5:30 ET on the main stage...

@NY_Comic_Con so i’m at the big mouth panel and they're playing a WHOLE ep from s3 and there’s a song about florida and snorting drugs off a dolphin’s back i kid you not #nycc2019

@NY_Comic_Con well actually that’s just one line (LOL) but it’s anyway it’s wild

@NY_Comic_Con florida spoiler

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