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Oct 3, 2019, 140 tweets

So we were saying...

Socorro! Another WEG world, eventually developed by Patricia Jackson into a whole supplement. Probably one of my favorite shadowports, if not my favorite. Also Lando's homeworld!

The Vergesso asteroids are from Shadows of the Empire. Mon Gazza is from (I shit you not) Episode I: Racer. It's amazing how many Racer worlds manage to jump somewhere else! Anyway, it's a spice planet (kind of a lame Kessel) with obviously a few podracer tracks.

And that's it for the Outer Rim, I think. Phew. Back in a few with the inner regions.

Let's keep going!

A few planets appear to have been created for this book, so I'm not going to mention them until they first appear in the text.

Into the inner regions!

Let's start with Byblos, a very ancient (it was active during the KOTOR era!) and very busy spaceport. It hails from WEG and (most importantly) was depicted through amazing Chris Gossett art. What a privilege!

Giju, the Herglic homeworld and center of Herglic Space. I brag often that my galaxy map is the only one to include Herglic Space... but I digress! It was one of the first worlds to pull hyperspace travel, so of course it became an important commercial hub.

Nantoon is a world mentioned by Han Solo in TFA. Brentaal IV is a very important trade world from WEG, a true Venice of the space, and it's the homeworld of that Platt Okeefe character we mentioned earlier.

Port Haven is another very cool shadowport from WEG. Also a Star Wars message board. I know good people from there, but I clearly remember once being part of a parody site called "Port Haven Sucks." Sorry! I was young!

The Wheel! A space station from the classic Marvel comics that became popular again in the late EU thanks to Dark Horse's timely reprints. LEGO Star Wars: The Freemaker Adventures has reimagined it and given it a facelift that I personally love.

Aquaris, from the classic Archie Goodwin comic strip, home to the Aquaris Freeholders of one pirate and scoundrel Silver Fyre (what an awesome name.)

And I think that's it! Or most of it. I'm old and chaotic, so not the best person to breakdown dots in a map. Let me know if I've forgotten anything important!

And tomorrow we'll meet the first scoundrel to hold Maz's journal!


And we are back with @danwall88’s Smuggler’s Guide! The first person to get Maz’s journal, a poor bastard called Tryphon. We are split between hating this dumb blowhard and his delusions of grandeur and pitying him for pretty much being Maz’s pasty

@danwall88 Tryphon mentions become richer than Xim. That's Xim the Despot, the ancient pirate-cum-despot from Brian Daley's excellent Han Solo novels.

His ship is called the Lessu Dancer, presumably after Ryloth's capital city.

@danwall88 Tryphon keeps bragging and bragging: he talks about threading carbonbergs (from Solo) in The Corkscrew (presumably not the one from the Boonta Eve Classic, but a new creation!)

@danwall88 He also mentions belonging to two infamous smuggler associations: the euphemistically-named Corellian Merchants' Guild (from the venerable Star Wars Sourcebook) and the Mandroxan Cartel (a spice smuggler league from WEG's Galaxy Guide 11)

Now Tryphon is daydreaming about taking over the Spice Triangle, mentioned before.

Look at that beautiful map!

The three trade routes are based on existing lore: the Triellus Run was created in WEG’s Secrets of the Sisar Run. The Corellian Run is, ofc, one of the main routes.

The route marked as "Cloak of the Sith" was known in Legends as "Death Wind Corridor", a route that went through the region known as Cloak of the Sith. It's a hand-drawn map, after all!

The Cloak is from the TV series Droids. And the first time I heard the word "Sith"!

Leo plans on maybe getting himself a fleet of HWK-290s, the model of Kyle Katarn's iconic Moldy Crow from the videogame Dark Forces and its sequel.

He also mentions the Imperial governor of Roon, a position that Droids villain Koong desperately desired.

Leo plans to hit Maz's first treasure vault: a place known as the Shrove of the Left-Handed God Typhojem.

Typhojem the Left-Handed was a Sith deity according to Book of Sith. He's also heavily featured in fan novella/absolute madness Supernatural Encounters.

...and that’s the end of Tryphon Leo.

Interestingly his corpse is classified as “human”, despite being blue-skinned and four armed. I would usually chalk it to miscommunication with the artist, but now we know of cosmetic genetic grafts being a thing so...


Meet the explorer who found Tryphon's body (and the journal.) Okay, maybe not a scoundrel, but I'm already compromised to this nomenclature. Alas.

He talks about Quesoth pottery, a species from Zahn's Crisis of Faith (the one with Nuso Eva.)

Danfillo also mentions the Neo-Middle Secundus period, presumably a period of galactic history like the ones talked about in the Essential Atlas.

He immediately sells the journal ("trash" as he calls it.) And a familiar scoundrel is the one who buys it...

That'll be tomorrow!


Dexi! This entry might not have many continuity winks, but it sure paints a great picture of our favorite Besalisk.

Is his involvement with Maz new or old info? In any case, he doesn’t say he was her lover or whatever, but her boyfriend. So sweet.

Dex found the journal next to "The Field Guide to Trammic Reptavians." Trammis III is a world mentioned in the Lando Calrissian adventures, and these reptavians are... well, dinosaurs. I first heard of Trammis in the videogame Rebellion, and nicknamed it "Jurassic World." Whoa.

Now, the previous entries have firmly set the guide in the Imperial era, plus Dex faces Crimson Dawn in here. This means Dex eventually leaves his diner and goes back to his adventurous roots. Good for him!

Dex heads towards the Tingel Arm, one of the arms of the galaxy first named in Han Solo at Stars' End.

He books passage in a star-steamer (not "star-streamer", as reported elsewhere!), probably the most Dan Wallace ship ever.

So Crimson Dawn uses Doctor Evazan's services to turn indentured workers into cyborgs built for mining. Horrible, and as much as could be expected from the creator of the Decraniated.

Dex can't help it ("Maz was right") and rescues one of the slaves, even knowing that will barely dent the Syndicates, sending him to Coruscant to "one of the good" politicians. I pictured Bail Organa for no real reason!

Also, there's a Senate Council of Labor Abuses. lmao

So yes, Dexter is a good guy, not that there was any doubt about it. Also a romantic, but we kind of suspected so.

Sadly, someone steals the guide from him while sharing a drink. Someone you most likely don't know... but someone we've seen before.

More in a bit!


The next "keeper" of the Guide is a real piece of work: hunter of renown Tyro Viveca.

Doesn't sound familiar? He's a character from Legends, the antagonist of the second Cecil Noone short story, and was created by Mr. Wallace himself.

Been a while!

Tyro appeared in Fair Prey, a short story from the first issue of sorely-missed magazine Star Wars Gamer. He's not given a species in this guide, but back in the day he was a Krish, another WEG species, so that's how I picture him.

Tyro is travelling to Kashyyyk in an Ugor steamer. Ugors! The sworn enemies of the Squibs! Amoebas in spacesuits! They hail from WEG's deliciously goofy Scavenger Hunt, that I already talked about ages ago. They are incredibly resilient, both in and out of universe.

And what does Tyro want to hunt in Kashyyyk? A terentatek, the Sith monstrosity from Knights of the Old Republic. One of the most dangerous monsters in the game, a game that also involved hunting one in the Wookiee planet.

The steamer lands in Thikkiiana, a city from the Young Jedi Knights series and the Wookiee campaign in the Galactic Battlegrounds strategy game.

Tyro runs into some Trandoshans, long-established as Wookiee hunters.

Tyro mentions bursa-fighting in Ohma-D'un. Ohma is the Naboo moon from vg The Gungan Frontier. Bursas are ancient enemies of the Gungans based on a reference from Lucas about Gungans having an army to fight "bear-like creatures." Lore from the Ultimate Guide to E1, I believe!

Next, Tyro callously kills a nest of sureggi. Sureggi are a Kashyyyk creature from the Russ Manning comic strip.

...and we never learn what happened with Tyro's hunt, but I like to think he survived to meet his explosive end at the hands of Cecil Noone's crew. I like explosions, what can I say.

Who finds the guide next? Ha-ha! The best pirate in the galaxy, of course!



My friends! It is I, Hondo Ohnaka!

Of course Hondo would get his paws on the guide. True to type, he’s not that interested in looking for Maz’s treasures, but oh: the idea of forging copies of the Guide and selling then to the greedy and gullible...

I gotta say that @danwall88 nailed Hondo's voice here. He's a character that has far evolved beyond the initial "Jack Sparrow in space", but you still have to be able to read his dialogue in Jim Cummings' voice if you want the full experience.

@danwall88 Hondo quotes his mom often, like he did in early TCW. I was never too fond of his EU backstory, where his parents sold him into slavery: I like reading affection whenever he talks of Mama Ohnaka (who is a real character, by the way)

@danwall88 Judging by the way he speaks of Florrum, the Ohnaka Gang faded out rather than burn away. Some of his former pirates still live on the planet, spending most of their time in a drunken stupor.

He mentions with nostalgia his daring kidnapping of Dooku, still his largest job ever.

@danwall88 He finds his first recruit in the basement of the Church of Infinite Perception. The COIP hails from WEG's Minos Cluster (that anyone who's ever run a smuggler campaign knows well), where they led a bloody coup and took over the world of Pergitor.

@danwall88 Hondo thinks about collecting his multiple aphorisms in a volume. Among the titles he considers is The Book of Hondo, a book quoted a couple of times in Landry Walker's Crimson Corsair novella.

(And of course Lando hates the idea of a competitor to his Calrissian Chronicles!)

@danwall88 Hondo and his recruit, a Duros forger called Bar the Rotten, head to Balmorra next. Balmorra is a world first seen in Dark Empire II, producers of battle droids and able to stop the resurrected Palpatine's hordes on their tracks! That impressed me when I was a wee lad.

To “convince” him to join him, Hondo got Bar very drunk on Whyren’s Reserve, a very well-known brand of Corellian whiskey. Space Jack Daniel’s, basically.

And of course he takes a pic of his passed-out buddy...

While in Balmorra they recruit the Marquess, a woman "able to manipulate the Undervine." The Undervine is a concept from the Aphra comic, kind of like a dark web equivalent to the Holonet, and I LOVE IT SO MUCH.

Hondo is planning to auction the Guide's forgery in Zirtran's Anchor, a shadowport I mentioned before. It was first shown in Adventure Journal #5 as a tie-in to the fantastic Platt's Starport Guide. A fantastic setting for any underworld adventure!

Three groups are expected to attend the auction: the Rang Clan, the Xrexus Cartel, and a Hutt front known as Novabarrel.

The Rang Clan is "that gang from canceled videogames", having been once slated to appear in both 1313 and Visceral's "Ragtag." Some bad luck!

The Xrexus Cartel hails from Bunn's and Ross's excellent Darth Maul miniseries. It would appear that they survived Xev's death! And yes, they still use droidekas.

Hondo plans to host a second auction in the Boro-borosa system. I'll confess I had to look this one up: it's a prison world once mentioned in the NJO, but I want to believe it's a sly reference to fictional pirate Barbarossa (or maybe to Barbossa from POTC!)

As expected Hondo's auction is a disaster, and I expected he pretty much is the only survivor of the fiasco. Lando comments he's happy he didn't say "yes" to Hondo's shaak-breeding scheme in the Cron Drift, an stellar structure from Stars' End and TOTJ.

Hondo loses the guide soon afterwards. To another pirate, to add injury to the insult!

This pirate is another existing character, albeit considerably more obscure than good ol' Hondo, and we'll be seeing her tomorrow!


And we are back! With more pirates!

So is Gunda the Terrible, an Aqualish pirate from WEG's Pirate & Privateers supplements. @danwall88 gives her here more story than she ever had in Legends.

She gets the guide after raiding Hondo's ship.

Let’s take a look at Gunda’s loot.

Coaxium is, of course, from Solo. The DX-13 was the model Aurra Sing favored (I wonder if it was a memento?). Omwat was Qwi Cud’s homeworld, a character from the Jedi Academy Trilogy and member of the proto-Tarkin Initiative.

Oro-weave is apparently new? Anyway, I'm assuming it's an equivalent to real-life gold weave. Rhen-Orm biocomputer: another reference to Aurra Sing, from her old comic. I mean, we know they used to date, so...

Gunda mentions the Blazing Claw, WEG's equivalent to the Skull and Bones, that's, a widely-recognized symbol of piracy.
She also gives us a few titles for Maz: Kanata the Despoiler, Kanata the Benevolent, Kanata of the Free Fleet. Yup, sounds like Maz alright.

Gunda's fleet appears to be considerably larger than it was in Legends: there she led five freighters, here she brags about a hundred ships. Unless she's doing only that: bragging.

Her flagship, the Bloody Bones, might be a reference to Rav's insignia from Legacy.

*Qwi-Xux, damned autocorrect

She also mentions the Dharus Buccaneers, a reference to WEG's fabulous Fragments from the Rim. Dharus was a jolly privateer who attacked Imperial ships and shared the plunder with the Alliance. Gunda is not too impressed with him.

Okay, the battle between the Bloody Bones and the star yacht... it makes this book worth it on its own. A good, piratey battle in Star Wars terms. Not spoiling one thing from it!

Gunda heads next towards the Maldrood Oversector, one of the twenty oversectors from the Atlas.


...and this is how the Guide ends up in the hands of a slavemaster called Krassic. He's the captain of the Arkanian Dawn, a Thalassian slave ship again from Fragments from the Rim. New character, old ship.

Krastic (sorry for the typo above!) is not on friendly terms with the Zygerrians, who you probably remember from The Clone Wars but who hail from WEG's Sourcebook.

He heads towards Chalcedon, a slaver hub from The Crystal Star and the videogame Rebellion.

He's also scum.

Krastic is indeed a member of the Thalassian Guild, slavers/pirates from Thalassia first seen in WEG's Galaxy Guides.

Thankfully his life is short and ugly, as the next entry reveals.

Who inherits the guide next? Well, a Brian Daley character. So exciting! But later.


Well, his gang, but he gets all the credit in this thread.

Gallandro the gunslinger! A rival of Han Solo in two of the books in the Brian Daley trilogy. A fan favorite for sure. We are about to discover his past.

This entry is framed as a summary of the heist where Gallandro's gang recovered the Guide, from the Varcinius art collection. We find out that Krastic met his end during a slave revolt. Sucks!

(In WEG lore, the Arkanian Dawn would eventually become a Rebel front!)

Gallandro's crew for the Varcinius heist was eight people. One of them, Banden Starshaper, is a former member of Marso's Demons, a squadron Gallandro once belonged to according to Han Solo and the Lost Legacy. I guess they met there!

Their prize is "the Codeleach," the bejeweled skeleton of a Metellos wyrdwyrm. Metellos, a world mentioned in passing in the Dark Empire Sourcebook, was further developed in Coruscant and the Core Worlds into one of my favorite Star Wars worlds, as my RPG players can confirm.

Like the previous pirate battle, the description of the heist is worth the admission price alone. You'll love it!

Some of the tools used in the heist include buzz-droids, the annoying death robots from ROTS.

There's quite a bit of Wallace's familiar and delightful Star Wars lingo: speck-trackers, stellarsails, artisanal gasses. I love it all so much.

Also, two of the crewmembers are Malkite poisoners, members of a sect first mentioned in Han Solo's Revenge and then in many sources.

Their next job involves Savareen, from WEG first and then Solo. Also, apparently, where one of Maz's treasures lies!

Sadly (for him) one of Gallandro's goons learns of the Guide's value and steals it from him. No honor among thieves!


So many entries in one day! I have to make up for the recent slack.

Loonoo heads back to what he considers home: Nar Shaddaa. You probably don't need to be told about Nar Shaddaa. Everyone loves the Smugglers' (Smuggler's?) Moon!

Loonoo lives in the Corellian Sector of the moon, first seen in Dark Empire like the moon itself. He owns several felids known as rib-cats (and has some adorable sketches of them.) It's a nice, moody, contemplative section. One of my favorites.

He's a con man and pickpocket. A small fry. He steals a book of Aargau checks, a banking world from Larry Hama's classic Marvel comic "The Third Law."

He also pretends to sell acceleration couches. You know, chairs for starships.

There's a brief mention of a swoop gang known as the Bloodfin Hellions. It was driving me crazy, until I realized why: Bloodfin is the name of Darth Maul's bike, a name that I *think* Dan Wallace created. Much better than the name me and my buddies gave it: Dark Vespa.

Loonoo keeps working, selling a Lasat (Zeb's species and WEG's name for "concept art Chewbacca") a false nugget of Haysian smelt, from The Last Jedi.

He's working hard to keep his cats fed and happy. I kind of like this guy.

The soup he buys used to include a boiled momong head on it before they cheapened the recipe. Momongs are the monkey-like creatures from the Wookiee Hunt arc of The Clone Wars. Monkey-brain soup? Hmmm.

He also buys this thing. Snake oil, basically. Rootleaf is what Yoda’s disgusting stew was made of. I doubt any of the other ingredients are for real, emulsifier and flavor excepted.

An unexpected appearance by Bammy Decree, the mechanic from Luceno's Millennium Falcon novel.

...and on his way to Bammy's poor Loonoo gets mugged and losses the Guide. Also, one of his rib-cats.

Next: goon and graffiti artist Skrrl!


Not much to say about him, other than he’s mugged soon enough and again losses the Guide to the next scoundrels.

But look at his tag! He’s proud of those Metallica jagged edges?


Now we are talking! Of course you know Ephant Mon, seen in ROTJ and with a kind of bizarre EU life as the nemesis of (out of all people) Master Ki-Adi Mundi. But what about Masse Goskey?

Well, this pause was caused because I could have sworn he was from the Mos Eisley Boxed Set. Alas, I was wrong. @WookOfficial pointed the way towards the right source: Complete Locations.


I believe that these two working together is new information.

@WookOfficial Masse Goskey owns the Arms Emporium in Mos Eisley, and Ephant Mon currently works for him. He's a disdainful boss, though. I'm not getting my copy of Complete Locations from the locker, so here's an adorable 70x60 picture of the Emporium from the wiki.

This section also includes a brochure.

Scatterguns are, well, shotguns. “Detonate” appears for the second time, and I suspect it comes from a good-intentioned editor correcting “detonite”, an explosive from WEG. Tantel is how Lando’s armor is described: a world? Who knows.

Force pikes are what the Red Guard carries. Crushgaunts are from WEG's Raiders of the Maelstrom, and later became an often-seen Mandalorian weapon--and if you believe the rumors, the infamous Glove of Darth Vader was one. I bid you all dark greetings!

But enough with the brochure. Back to the text, framed as a back and forth between Goskey and Mon.

There's a veeeeery long list of weapon models that I think I'm going to gloss over because it would interest a total of one (me.) But it includes a Lasat bo-rifle! Yay! Rebels!

Ephant mentions recently stopping in Bonadan, capital of the Corporate Sector from Brian Daley's novels.

There are so many guns listed here. I'm feeling guilty for not getting into them. I recognize WEG, Clone Wars, and more.

Anyway, our two gun-runners are planning to sell some stuff to the Pyke Syndicate. Then a fight starts over one of their items: the HK8 Sawtooth, that Goskey believes to be a sure sale but Mon thinks is a bad idea. Their disagreement ends with, uh, a hole in Goskey's chest. Oops.

Ephant Mon jokes (?) about getting Ugor and Humans mixed up: he didn't know a shot to the chest was mortal to humans!

He very carelessly leaves the Guide inside a crate he sells to the next scoundrel in the list: a certain Devaronian crimelord!

Next time!

Woops, thread got broken. It continues here:


Did you know his name derives from cicatriz (Spanish for scar) and visage (French for face), meaning he's literally Scarface?


Vizago includes a printout of Cynabar's Infonet, WEG's news "website" for smugglers and scoundrels. A good fit.

Anyway, our favorite Devaronian crimelord decides to go for one of Maz's caches, the one hidden in Seylott, a wild world seen in the original Jango Fett comic.

So Cikatro decides to hire two trusty scoundrels to help him with the heist.

He probably didn't look too hard, because he ends up hiring Azmorigan and Lando Calrissian.

Trouble is afoot: Seylott turns out to be under Black Sun's thumb, apparently because it's used to mine andris. Andris is the most common kind of spice, and came from WEG's Adventure Journal.

Sure our heroes will prevail!


No, they don't. At least Lando escapes unscathed and with a certain journal on him.

I found hilarious that Lando gets only one page. He himself mentions in the annotations that it's a real shame.

Lando spends some time in the spas of Spira, from WEG's pretty neat adventure "The Spira Regatta." It's a resort world, so it totally fits. While there he gets a Sriluurian scrub, named after the Weequay homeworld: it sounds painful.


Lando forcefully loses the Guide to someone somewhat unexpected: Latts Razzi, the ultra-cool bounty hunter from The Clone Wars who by the Imperial era is leading her own crime syndicate: the Razzi Syndicate.

As you can see, Razzi is not happy with the way her organization is portrayed by “the fake news media”: as a small syndicate in the targets of the powerful Pykes.

Razzi's analyst is an Adarian called Twirm, who she recruited from under Jabba's nose. Adarians are actually a species from a cut scene from ROTJ, but the comic adaptation to The Last Command rescued them from obscurity.

Razzi is not very happy with Twirm's harsh truths so she has him fed to his own beast, the undercrab. I don't think it's any kind of reference, but I love the name. FEED HIM TO THE UNDERCRAB!

But yeah, Latts Razzi turned out to be a really cruel crimelady.

Anyway, that's it for today. I'm stopping before I lose half my followers. Next scoundrels, though, are people you know pretty well...


Crimson Dawn are the next group to own the guide, stolen from Latts after a raid (I guess not only the Pykes were after her!)

Qi’ra mentions a Gremm, probably Aemon Gremm, one of the Hylobons from Dryden’s personal guard.

Qi'ra uses the journal to catalog other material taken during the raid.

First is a fake Kitel Phard vase, apparently sold by Solo's Lady Proxima. Atrisia's Kitel Phard Dynasty is from WEG's Imperial Sourcebook, a source for the Emperor's rhetoric. Think of Seb Gorka and Sun Tzu!

Next is... a crate of HK8 Sawtooth rifles, a fun link to Ephant Mon's entry.

Also some andris spice (see last entry) and a passing mention of Zorba the Hutt, a sirtaki-dancing* bearded** Hutt from Legends, and Jabba's father!

**not kidding

Actually sharing this one for all you KOTOR fans.

That Grakkus is the swole Hutt from Aaron’s and Immonen’s Star Wars ongoing who indeed owns a gladiatorial arena. We shall see him again!

There's a box of animal parts, mentioning several creatures from the films, from rancors to aiwhas. Also octopods, from Luceno's Plagueis (and also Loonoo's entry but I didn't want to spoil a nice little joke.) ALSO, tuk'ata, the Sith Hounds from Tales of the Jedi and KOTOR.

(Aphra is excited about the tuk'ata -spelled tu'kata here- and mentions the Shadow University and Archaeo-Prime, both hailing from her amazing comic series that you should be reading right now instead of my dumb tweets)

The guide is stolen soon enough, by certain Crimson Dawn associates. But we'll get to that in a bit!


Look, Solo wasn't perfect, but I really like these guys.

They find the guide in Zarra, capital of Cato Neimoidia according to the EU.

Beckett mentions "Purseworld Security." Purse worlds are Neimoidians colonies, and they were a little retcon pulled to explain why the EU had the Neimodian world be called Neimoidia yet ROTS had this Cato Neimoidia thing. The concept first appeared in much-missed Holonet News.

Beckett's gang at the time includes him, Val, Rio and a Mon Calamari called Tuska. Look: the fourth member of Beckett's gang is pretty much the same as the drummer of Spinal Tap, so don't get too attached.

And what are they doing in Cato Neimoidia? Planning a railcar robbery, of course! I like that the job at Vandor wasn't the first time hitting a conveyex: they certainly appeared to know their way around it. This train is headed to Tarko-se, the city from The Force Unleashed II.


No spoilers, but the job is not what you'd call a success.

Anyway, Beckett gets the guide lifted by a shipjacker who calls herself Bandit Billie. She also steals his valachord, which we know from Solo and Aftermath. Low, Billie. Very low.

Billie hires... oh my god, she hires the Taurill, the hivemind critters from infamous EU novel Darksaber. I wasn't expecting them to ever show up again, but here we are!

Billie and company head towards Kala'uun, a city in Ryloth from WEG and other EU sources.

Billie talks about how easy it is for her to disable gravity locks, or "boots." You probably remember them from Star Wars Rebels.

They next head to Ylesia in Hutt Space, the main setting of The Paradise Snare, and... well, let's just say that they try to steal the wrong Ubrikkian yacht. Sorry, Billie.


He barely gets a paragraph. He forcefully gets the book from Billie and then heads towards Keldooine. There, he loses it to the next scoundrel. I bet Jabba wasn't happy about it.


You will remember Saponza is you've ever played Commander, the mobile phone strategy clicker. He's a good guy.

He's a different kind of smuggler, though: a mercenary. The Smuggler's Guide has seen a lot...

Saponza gets a short capsule with a few interesting references.

Mytaranor is a WEG world, home to a slaver syndicate. The Kwymar Suppressions initially hail from WEG as well, but @jasoncfry made them part of Valance's background. And Parcelus Minor is from the Republic comic.

@jasoncfry Saponza complains about Black Sun sending a Mandalorian assassin after him. Ketsu Onyo fits the profile, of course, but we don't get any other hints. So who knows!

And that's it for today! Next scoundrel is one of my favorite Star Wars smugglers EVER. I can't wait!

@jasoncfry Yes, yes, yes: it's her.

Her entry is, of course, very dense with information, so it will probably be the only one I do tomorrow. See you there!


This one's so big I'm splitting it into at least two sections.

Okay, I think Platt (Oakie for her friends) merits a little bit more of an intro. She's a character from WEG who starred in quite a few Adventure Journal short stories.

@jasoncfry She eventually became a POV character for several in-universe articles about smuggling (she's has a pedagogic streak and loves helping other smugglers), and she became one of the narrators in the 2nd edition of the game.

@jasoncfry Most importantly: she also became the in-universe writer of two sourcebooks: Platt's Starport Guide and Platt's Smugglers Guide.

Yeah! She wrote her own Smugglers Guide! Who better to add to Maz's magnum opus?

@jasoncfry So let's begin!

Platt mentions the Sisar Run, a trade route that merited its own sourcebook back in the day.

Oh, and according to her annotations Sana Starros knows and approves of Oakie. I totally stan.

@jasoncfry Platt has her own ideas about profitable cargoes. Yup, she disagrees with Maz the Terrible. That's my girl.

She mentions aurodium, one of the GFFA's gold equivalents. She talks about the Brentaal Trading Houses that control the trading hub of Brentaal IV. Platt's homeworld, btw

@jasoncfry She then talks a bit about Pii's greel wood, a material from Han Solo and the Lost Legacy.

Oro-weave returns (as @korpil corrected the other day, it's mentioned in TLJVD.) Guildhead's Way, a street in Chandrila, is also mentioned in @danwall88's Imperial Handbook.

@jasoncfry @korpil @danwall88 More cargoes! Meleenium, durelium, hyperbarides, Corusca and Quella gems, and prismatic crystals are all from WEG. Prime worldbuilding, those guys! Beskar or Mandalorian Iron first appeared in Tales of the Jedi, and will show up soon in a certain Disney+ series.

@jasoncfry @korpil @danwall88 Platt talks about different kinds of spice, using WEG's classification (andris, carsunum, ryll) and adding sansanna, that you might remember from TCW.

(Picture from Scum & Villainy, that might receive the thread treatment soon)

@jasoncfry @korpil @danwall88 Fun word choice: she mentions "prime Kessel strains" of spice instead of classic glitterstim. Idk if it was Dan's or LFL's call, but maybe the Star Wars galaxy is still not ready for the return of telepathy-inducing drugs...

@jasoncfry @korpil @danwall88 She then proceeds to talk about starships. Most of the ships hail from WEG, although the TL-1200 comes from the often-forgotten d20 edition of the RPG. She calls the Ghtroc 720 her "sentimental fave": appropriate as, according to Legends, that's what her first freighter was.

@jasoncfry @korpil @danwall88 Platt also adds some shadowports to Maz's list: Junkfort Station (Goodwin's comic strip), Port Bianco (WEG's Lords of the Expanse), Dandrian's Ring (Challenge Magazine), Resh 9376 (Star Wars Saga), Omze's (her own Starport Guide) and Batuu (hm, sounds familiar but not sure.)

@jasoncfry @korpil @danwall88 She next gets into possible business clients. She knows so much! Glasfir, Kheedar and the Mandroxans are more WEG creations. The Klatooinian Guild I mentioned before, plus according to the EU she used to run with them. Ororo is a front for the Tenloss Syndicate, also from WEG.

@jasoncfry @korpil @danwall88 The Droid Gotra is a robot mafia that started appearing everywhere in canon since day one, just like the Crymorah. I wouldn't be surprised if they both hailed from the canceled Underworld TV series. Check Solo: Most Wanted for a good look at them.

(Picture unrelated)

@jasoncfry @korpil @danwall88 She then mentions the Bureau of Ships and Services, WEG's Kafkian bureaucracy in charge of regulating space travel. Oh, and she talks of "rumors" about Interdictors, another WEG creation probably popularized by Star Wars Rebels.

@jasoncfry @korpil @danwall88 Okay, that's a lot of WEG, but she's a WEG character herself! Let her be! She has earned it!

Taking a break now, but join me later for a trip with Platt into Chalmun's Cantina!

Next, she includes the cocktail menu from the Mos Eisley cantina. Some fun ones here!

Red Dwarves as a cocktail served at Chalmun’s hail from the Manning comic strip—one decade too early to be a reference to the BBC series. Sorry!

Polanis Red is a wine from A.C. Crispin's Han Solo trilogy. Narcolethe is from Galaxy Guide 9 (a great source to galactic miscellanea.) And fizzwater is, well, space soda: I wondered if it was new, but according to the wiki it's from the Dark Nest trilogy. You learn every day!

The Cassandra Sunrise is another GG9 creation: there's some fun trivia about the Cassandran Worlds but, another day! Merenzane Gold hails from (appropriately) Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina, and made some very happy when it turned up in the Battlefront II campaign!

Zabrak ferment is from Reaves' and Perry's underappreciated Death Star novel. Lachrymead is from the Aftermath trilogy. And vaporator mushrooms are what poor Shmi Skywalker was gathering when the Tusken Raiders abducted her: fungi of galactic importance!

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