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im david schwarz hi
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Jul 30, 2022 56 tweets 13 min read
This will help me think of movies I need to add to my physical library before they disappear from streaming Image 2022 - Everything Everywhere All At Once Image
Jan 9, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
Hello, it's time for "more galaxy map nerdery."

Today I'm going to be talking about "how do you place worlds in the galaxy map?" The first part of the mapbuilding process has been one of compilation. Taking all the tens of official maps around and carefully overlay them.

That's tedious but not particularly hard to do, except when contradictions arise (rarely, but they do)
Jan 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Now that my map is considerably more complete, here's another look at the territories the First Order claimed in the known galaxy. That's the "political" First Order that seceded from the New Republic, manipulated by the "hidden" First Order from the Unknown Regions. This one is a bit more questionable, as the territory map is less clear and I tried to respect existing sector and region boundaries but: a quick comparison between the territories the New Republic and the (public) First Order held before the war.
Jan 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Damn. This was the very first galaxy map. I remember trying to print it off the Behind The Magic CD-ROM demo so we could use it in our games, and eventually copying it by hand. Image And this is the very first Modi map I ever had, or most likely a newer version of it. I remember using it to try to create a Tales of the Jedi era map (and failing miserably!)

Trivia: the color palette in my own galaxy map is a small tip of the hat to this original masterpiece. Image
Jan 7, 2022 6 tweets 1 min read
When I was in my mid-20s I worked in a distribution center for a not-Amazon-sized-but-close company. As dystopian and abusive as you’ve heard.

One day we were told a documentary crew was showing up to shoot their follow up to a very popular previous propaganda-as-doc show. We were told to behave and to look happy. Oh, and that the speed of our distribution chain would be halved for the day. We’d recover the following day, no worries.

What happened next will not surprise you!
Mar 6, 2021 31 tweets 3 min read
Only doing this so we can get to #30 Image 1. kissed someone
do cousins count?
Feb 18, 2021 308 tweets >60 min read
I was talking to Marv about this yesterday and I realized that I hadn't posted it here: my copy of this book is currently in storage and not easily accessible. Long story, but I'm temporarily living in a boat, like McGyver. Anyway, unless I find a way to retrieve it, the thread is suspended until I move to my next permanent residence. And it could be a while!

In the meantime, I don't know, look at this gif.

We'll be back!
Dec 10, 2020 426 tweets >60 min read
"So It's Come To This: Dave's THE RISE OF SKYWALKER VISUAL DICTIONARY Deep-Dive Thread"

Hello and welcome to the latest in this line of ridiculously long threads that defeat the whole point of Twitter. Image If you haven't seen these threads before, this is what you are going to find: an in-depth analysis of a Star Wars lore book. References, inside jokes, particularly clever ideas... anything I can find.

Never complete, always thorough! Image
Nov 16, 2020 9 tweets 3 min read
Okay, I’ve been told I need to do this dramatically.


Next month I will start my next deep dive thread. Remember those threads with 400+ posts where I anally analyze a particular Star Wars lore book?

They are back.

And this one... this one is going to cause me extra pain. In the meantime, please enjoy my current thread about EVERY STAR A DESTINATION. It’s not *actual* Star Wars but it’s... it’s very Star Wars.
Jul 15, 2020 365 tweets >60 min read

Thanks to the military ramp-up during the Clone Wars, many starship construction facilities have been turned into forges of death churning out massive Star Destroyers.

The mentioned shipyards are Kuat, Corellia, Ringo Vinda, and Fondor. Image Kuat, the home of Kuat Drive Yards, was first mentioned in WEG's Star Wars Sourcebook and has since been seen in both Legends and canon.

Corellia's shipyards are seen in Solo building ISDs, so you can call this mention a teaser. ImageImage
May 27, 2020 628 tweets >60 min read

Welcome to Jedha, where Saw Gerrera and his people fight against the Imperial occupation of the Holy City.

I rarely post pictures of the books I go through but... come on, I just had to post this. JEDHA: ANCIENT SPIRITUALITY

First, let's look at Jedha's planetary profile. It's located in the Mid Rim, very close to the Unknown Regions, and it's a moon of NaJedha.

We wouldn't see NaJedha itself until the Star Wars comic, and... it's kind of weird but pretty.
May 10, 2020 686 tweets >60 min read
Welcome to another deep-drive thread boosted by quarantine boredom. This time we are going to look into my favorite not-IU Star Wars reference book from the Disney era: @pablohidalgo and Kemp Remillard's "Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide" Image The usual rules apply:
-A page-by-page analysis
-Everything contained to one single easily-muted (cough) thread
-One picture per thread but never scans or pictures from the book (buy it, it's been a while and it's cheap now) Image
May 2, 2020 8 tweets 4 min read
Okay, I'm going to share my favorite example of this kind of thinking. It was one of the first times I got 100% tired of the continuity bullshit that had taken over my hobby. This is Sia-Lan Wezz. She was created by artists Adam Hughes to be an example Jedi character in the d20 RPG. Later, she was added to a comic because AH contributed a cover with her, and she died in the pages of that comics.

Got it? Got it.
Mar 16, 2020 232 tweets >60 min read
Hello and welcome to another deep-dive thread! This time we will be looking at a small but stuffed with goodness book by @jasoncfry: Tales from Vandor! As every book I analyze in these threads, TFV is an in-universe text. The IU author is a man known as Midnight, a barkeep at the Lodge on Vandor. As you would expect, he's met a lot of underworld characters, including all the main players in the movie Solo.
Mar 15, 2020 22 tweets 3 min read
My Galaxy’s Edge character is Oomo Gluptu, a Dantooine poacher mad that he’s getting dragged to Batuu during the first stages of a galactic pandemic Rey just told me that “galaxy’s edge” is the spacey term for rimjob,
Feb 16, 2020 11 tweets 2 min read
I like talking about Star Wars. But first, I sometimes feel like I’ve seen all I want to day about it. Don’t get mad at me, but: Star Wars is not that complex and most of the subtexts people love to see in it are exclusively their own interpretations. Second: this shit is getting TIRESOME. Between the literal Nazis, the Karens and Chads behaving like they were still in sixth grade, and the absolute basket cases having meltdowns about kisses or ship classes, interacting with “fandom” has become an ordeal.
Nov 2, 2019 260 tweets >60 min read
So let’s start our deep dive at @pablohidalgo’s Scum and Villainy, Case Files on The Galaxy’s Most Notorious First, let me say that this book is not like the Smuggler's Guide at all. It's more art-focused, for a start. And you know how I feel about posting art, so unless absolutely warranted I'm often going to be using other art references.

If you want more, but the book!
Oct 3, 2019 140 tweets 58 min read
So we were saying... Socorro! Another WEG world, eventually developed by Patricia Jackson into a whole supplement. Probably one of my favorite shadowports, if not my favorite. Also Lando's homeworld!
Oct 2, 2019 31 tweets 12 min read
Let’s begiiiiiinnnnn Same rules are usual: I will try to do a deep analysis of the book and I will post a few pics here and there, but nothing major (because fuck you, buy the book, it's relatively cheap now.) Feel free to reply with anything I might have missed!