Maya Harris Profile picture
Mom, wife, grandma, sister, lawyer, advocate for equality & justice | IG: @mayaharris_

Oct 6, 2019, 5 tweets

Update: Made it through surgery #2 last night. Slowly but surely on the mend...12 weeks & counting—made infinitely better with the love & devotion of @tonywest and...

...the kindness & support of our @KamalaHarris #ForThePeople crew (@KeepHuynhing @JKazadi @keenangeter @jordan_uter @sterlingelmore @JuaniBDE @amosjacksonIII @brittanyncarmon @elluxe_ @LaphonzaB @Reggie_Abraham @marguerite_ah @rohinikosoglu & many more), #KHive, friends & fam...

...including this last one for the ages...

Me: No pictures, no pictures! She’ll be holding this over me for the rest of my life!

@KamalaHarris: Are you getting this picture?!


Week 14: Getting back on my feet!! 👣💪🏾😁

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