Benjamin Strick Profile picture
Investigations Director @Cen4infoRes. Past BBC & @Bellingcat. Tutorials: OSINT/GEOINT. Views = own.

Oct 19, 2019, 7 tweets

UAE military member's Snapchat videos of workout in #Eritrea (country bans access to social media). Gym located in #UAE base built in #Assab Airport. (likely Combat Search & Rescue - CSAR). Airport & new port used by UAE as training/station for proximity to attack #Yemen #OPSEC

Timelapse of #UAE base shows significant change to port area & military camp at airport where above Snapchat video of gym seen. Port seen in various satellite imagery as holding area for vehicles. Port is located here:…. (Timelapse made w/ @sentinel_hub)

To give an example of the #UAE vehicles awaiting deployment into #Yemen from the #Assab facility in #Eritrea, @leone_hadavi had previously spotted Patria AMVs in the bay 👇

Up until may, the southern bay of the #UAE port in #Eritrea's #Assab was full of canvas tents (IMG1). Since then it is used as a holding area for vehicles (IM2). Some of which can be seen loading onto a RORO vessel (IM3).

The gap between the two ports is what makes it advantageous for the #UAE. It's just under 70km across to the Port of #Mocha (#المخا) in #Yemen from #Eritrea. Recent footage shows vessels dropping off scores of #UAE troops and MRAPS at Mocha here: .

We know the Port of Mocha is a landing area for #UAE forces through geolocation of footage (). Video says delivery was made in #Mocha, and troops came from #Assab, but still needs verification. Vessels berthed here:…

Vessel seen in #Yemen's Port of Mocha (#المخا) is B STAR 1 (…). It's LxB is 86×19m. Footage says its troops came from #Assab. Similar sized vessels spotted loading vehicles at Assab #UAE base on @TerraServer IMG (2/9/19)… #Eritrea

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