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Oct 22, 2019, 14 tweets

It’s the time of year again📆when the ASHP Midyear Conference is just around the bend↩️

In reflecting🤔on our experience we thought we’d share 📃

Our top 10 tips to help you excel in the ASHP Clinical Skills Competition!🏆 @ASHPOfficial inspired by @thatpharmgirl (congrats👏🏻)

First things☝️, for those who didnt win ur local competition, embrace ur experience as an opp to learn&grow. It took us 3 yrs to make it to nationals!

The🔑 to success is perseverance!

Tip☝️“Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” #success

To those who made it through round1️⃣, CONGRATULATIONS the competition has just begun! 🎊

It goes without saying, the true foundation to success, is developing a team that works together at its very best! 👯

Tip ✌️: “TEAM” Together👏🏻Everyone👏🏻 Achieves👏🏻 More👏🏻 #teamwork

On the topic of teamwork, when it comes to the written patient case, it’s IMPERATIVE that you & your teammate divey up your strengths! 💪

Tip 3️⃣: Work together as a team to identify the primary problems⏩➗ the work 📚 & put trust in each others strengths to best solve them!

Trust in your knowledge & skills as they will be put to test, no matter what the top problem is don’t forget about primary prevention! 💉

Pharmacotherapy Tip 4️⃣Don’t forget to mention vaccines & chronic medication management!

Don’t procrastinate or forget to vaccinate! 🦠

Now, when under pressure & a 2-hr timeline, we have all been in those situations when we run into a brain freeze 😖🤕🍦


ASHP provides excellent DI resources (DiPiro,AHFS Drug Information®,Lexi-comp®) & guideline access to make your EBM tx plan!

With only ✌️ hours to solve a complex patient case, its important to manage your time efficiently & keep a steady pace. 🏃💨⏰

Tip6️⃣: The 🔑 to efficiency is to prioritize & you will succeed! 🙌🏼

Pro tip:🏋🏻‍♂️Don’t forget to spend the last 15 min to double✅✅your work!

Formulating answers 📝 was a collaborative effort 🤝& we recognized the fundamental component to excel in this portion was placing trust in each other.🙌🏼 ❤️

Tip7️⃣ Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient that holds all relationship together!

Times up!⌛️you’ve completed the what to do🤷🏻‍♀️until results are announced the next day⁉️

The interim is nerve-wrecking & easy to get stressed🤯

Tip8️⃣Remain optimistic & promise yourself that all that matters is that you gave it ur very best!

Go out&treat yo self!🍦💃🏻

After your night of food & fun, it comes down to the ⏰to find out the teams that won.

Although everyone sitting in the room considered a competitor 🤼‍♂️
Tip9️⃣we encourage you to introduce yourselves, meet new friends, support each other as you are all in it to win it together!

Now to the🔚, no matter how far you advance, each round you can walk away with a valuable lesson to contribute to ur development. ⛰

We have to admit we would not have succeeded this difficult challenge on our own without our peers, 👩‍🏫, 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦, & 👭 encouraging us from home!

Tip🔟is from the❤️; face each challenge with courage & compassion, be confident in urself, & NEVER GIVE UP!

The moments of happiness we enjoy the most are best when taken by surprise.

"Creating a 🎥 worth a 1000 words u can keep, can help u reflect on all u r able to achieve."

To all of those students out there competing, we want to wish you the BEST OF LUCK & YOU WILL ALL DO AMAZING! We are rooting for you! 🥳 #ashp #clinicalskillscompetition

Feel free to share ☝️ tweetorial with your fellow classmates & students!

@wilkespharm @BMCPharmRes @UK_COP @UofSCPharm @umsop @pittpharmacy @ucsfpharmacy @VCUPharmacy

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