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Oct 26, 2019, 13 tweets

@AAPPres Dr. Kyle Yasuda shares the AAP’s support for #T21 & youth e-cig ban policies at the #AAP19 opening plenary

#mnleg needs to take up this important legislation in 2020

“Kids don’t judge you based on your title or your resume, they judge you on your voting record, how often you show up whether they deserve it or not” @JoshShipp delivering a powerful plenary speech at #AAP19

“Every kid is one choice away from being a statistic. But that choice isn’t always one they get to make” #AAP19

Children need at least 1 stable relationship with a committed adult.

What does commitment and trust mean to a child? TIME

Call your shot AND follow through - @JoshShipp


Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor speaking now at #AAP19!

Starts out talking about what she calls Positive Controlled Anger ➡️ Anger that propels people who think something is unjust to speak out

This is what drives #tweetiatricians & physician citizens @md4healthequity 🙌🏾

“Difference is not a burden, it’s an opportunity to grow in another way” - Justice Sotomayor

@RepKimSchrier shares what inspired her to run for office - the threats our country faces with an administration that attacks science & healthcare access & fosters an environment of division, xenophobia & misogyny - & how this impacts ALL our children.

#EveryChildCounts #AAP19

“It is abundantly clear that children need a Pediatrician in Congress & we ALL need a woman doctor in Congress” - @RepKimSchrier

👏🏾👏🏾 #AAP19 #EveryChildCounts

Social Determinants of health don’t really determine health. They aren’t fixed, they are fixable. And they aren’t always negatives - there are strengths within them!

- @megansandel talking about homelessness & health

#AAP19 #EveryChildCounts

We cant address Homelessness w/o talking about Housing Insecurity. Families behind on rent or w multiple moves had as much or MORE risk as those that were homeless 👀

“We can’t just do individual level interventions. We need neighborhood level interventions” @megansandel

Possible solutions? High risk families get access to housing supports via health systems, payers, community organizations & housing authorities.

@The_BMC is also an Anchor Institution. Ask if your institution part of the Healthcare Anchor Network! #AAP19 #HousingIsHealth

Last point from @megansandel’s awesome plenary: stories matter in advocating for change & the TYPE of stories can influence your impact!

Don’t just talk about the sad stories & families left behind. Talk about what the future looks like if we do it right!


Instead of focusing on the stress of homelessness, talk about what a world looks like where all children are stably housed.

You can tie this to AVOIDABLE costs

If EVERY child & expectant mother was stably housed avoidable costs to our health systems = $111 BILLION(!)

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