Ryan McNamara 🧬 Profile picture
Director of the Systems Serology Lab at the Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard. Personal account. Operates on caffeine, optimism, and baking.

Oct 27, 2019, 7 tweets

Sorry, I missed this @Steftyem. But here we go:
#PhotosOfMyLife Day 1 of 7. No people/explanation.

Day 2 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife. No people/explanation

Day 3 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife
No people/explanation

Day 4 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife
No people/explanation

Day 5 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife
No people/explanation

Day 6 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife
No people/explanation

And day 7 of 7 #PhotosOfMyLife
No people/explanation

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