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was here. now.... not so much.

Oct 28, 2019, 7 tweets

@Liz_Barnert shows the remarkable disparity in how much the US locks up children vs the rest of the world at the MHEI program.

Lifetime imprisonment for:
White men = 1 in 17

Latino men = 1 in 6

Black men = 1 in 3


46% of juveniles who enter detention have Urgent health needs

12% are expecting a child (boys & girls)

They have:
⬆️ rates if STDs
⬆️ needs for immunization catch-up

#AAP19 #EveryChildCounts

70% of justice-involved juveniles have 1 or > psychiatric disorders

The amount of time incarcerated significantly increases risk of adult depression

@Liz_Barnert reminds us of the story of #KhalifBrowder that tragically illustrates how this plays out

@Liz_Barnert shares her 1st story of using research & advocacy to impact policy.

Her research looked at a model for legislation that would address sex trafficking in children.

As a result California no longer incarcerates children for “prostitution” 🙌🏾👏🏾


Example #2

The concept of Minimum Age - across the country the minimum age for incarceration varies from 6-10 years old..

In CA there was a 5 yo child referred for PROBATION. For breaking curfew..


1st incarceration at ages 7-14 is associated with WORSE adult health then children 15+

Incarcerated children ages 7-14 are more likely to be:
- children of color
- from single-parent households

#AAP19 #mnleg

In response to research & advocacy California passed a law raising the minimum age to 12 for incarceration.

This is work that we can do in MN! @davepinto @RuthForHouse @Morrison4MN @CarlaNelsonMN @jimabeler @reploeffler @KariDziedzic #mnleg


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