💧Richard Foote 🦠 🇦🇺 Profile picture
Independent Oracle Database Consultant, Oracle ACE Director, David Bowie fanatic, Crystal Palace tragic and pretend artist. Words are of course proudly my own.

Oct 28, 2019, 5 tweets

Another day, another city and getting ready for another “Let’s Talk Database” event, this time in sunny Brisbane.

Thanks Brisbane for the great turnout and positive feedback. Now onto the next destination, Auckland NZ. #Oracle #LetsTalkDatabase

Nice views from the new Oracle Office in Auckland, next leg of the Oracle “Let’s Talk Database” tour.

A pretty cool place (pun fully intended) to end this Oracle “Let’s Talk Database” tour tomorrow in windy Wellington. #LetsTalkDatabase

They certainly have nice views from the Oracle office in Wellington, NZ !! #LetsTalkDatabase

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