PK 🐢 👩🏻‍💻 Profile picture
Design systems @github / Taking a break from other projects / May or may not reply to DMs

Oct 30, 2019, 6 tweets

#sydcss talks are always so exciting!

@RhianaHeath with really cool new hacks for replacing js with css in some situations.

“If you can’t meditate for 10 mins, you need more than 10 mins” @Lucas1Vilela talking about mental health. Such well designed slides!

Cupcakes for breaktime. Happy bday #sydcss 🤩

Learned about freaking decovar in this talk. @Mandy_Kerr is a really inspiring speaker! Now I’m all excited to read

@cathyblabla is a unicorn. I have not actually met a woman and frontender who is a principal developer. A lot to unpack in this slide alone about how to develop your career

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