ChomiloMD Profile picture
was here. now.... not so much.

Nov 6, 2019, 9 tweets

Not all stress is bad stress! Resilience is the manifestation of skills developed under stress that can be taught and nurtured - @DocAndGar


“If we had more SSNRs (Stable, Safe & Nurturing Relationships) we would need less SSRIs” - @DocAndGar

👏🏾🙌🏾👏🏾 This will be my new mantra for Early Childhood Advocacy🙌🏾


Using a Eco-Bio-Developmental model adds to our advocacy. Investing in Early Childhood is not only:
🔹 the moral thing to do
🔹 the smart, economical thing to do
🔹 but the BIOLOGICAL thing to do
- @DocAndGar


Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) are part of the solution to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)!


Relational Health & Safe, Stable & Nuturing Relationships are a STRENGTH-based approach - @DocAndGar


If all kids are our kids then all caregivers are our kin.

We need Purpose Built Communities to provide SSN Communities, SSN Families & SSNRs.


“The Next Chapter is all about Relationship” - @DocAndGar


@DocAndGar was asked about where to start??

He notes scalable interventions like @reachoutandread & nurse home visiting are a good place but he also highlights Paid Parental Leave 👏🏾🙌🏾

#mnleg @mn4pfl @md4healthequity @mnaap @MNFamilyDocs

“I don’t like ‘burnout’ because that implies something negative about providers but prefer ‘wounded’...we are asked to do so many things that aren’t about why we went into medicine, which was relationships” - @DocAndGar


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