Steve W Profile picture
Lefty, reader and book fiend (history, politics, economics, fiction and whatever). Currently taking up meditation, it sure beats sitting around doing nothing.

Nov 7, 2019, 7 tweets

You can listen to this partisan hysteria (remember the JC's editor is Stephen Pollard who is on record as saying that no good can come from the left in any form), or look for more measured voices within the Jewish community such as Geoffrey Alderman:

Or if Historians aren't your thing and you prefer Comedians there's Alexi Sayle:

Or if you're more religiously minded there's Rabbi Howard Cooper:…

Or if you want to get an in-depth look at the subject of Antisemitism & Labour there's an excellent book by 5 academics (including 2 who are Jewish: A.Lerman & J.Schlosberg)…

@greg_philo @tonylerman @Tracking_Power @jrschlosberg @JomecMikeB

If you're sceptical about those who say the issue of antisemitism has been to an extent weaponised against Labour then you might want to ask why the Tories have made @LordJohnMann AS Tsar. This is a judges verdict on his expertise.

See para 84 and 148…

And then there is @andrewfeinstein, former ANC politician and comrade of Nelson Mandela, and author of perhaps the best book (certainly that I've read) on the Shadowy world of the Global Arms Trade.…

Or here's Bernie Sanders, perhaps the most famous politician who is Jewish in the United States, talking about Jeremy Corbyn:

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