Steve W Profile picture
Lefty, reader and book fiend (history, politics, economics, fiction and whatever). Currently taking up meditation, it sure beats sitting around doing nothing.
Dec 11, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
The @ChiefRabbi playing at being a man of religion/ethics.

Going further than the @ChiefRabbi, who merely lobbies for weapons/war, his Israeli counterpart Chief Rabbi David Lau (see 2nd photo with @JustinWelby & Mirvis) is writing hate messages on bombs destined for Gaza. /1

Another rabid Rabbi is Leo Dee, the Zionist fanatic who transitioned his family from rural Hertfordshire residents to illegal settlers on the West Bank where 3 were killed. He signed a missile in "honour" of his dead wife/daughters.

Zionism appears to be morally corrupting? /2

Dec 5, 2023 24 tweets 4 min read
The scepticism the left has about Israels mass rape claims is broader than that:

The lack of forensic evidence: early Israeli mass rapes claims stated that forensic teams were processing victims, later on they used facile excuses to explain why that didn't in fact happen. /1 Israels claims that mass rapes were a Hamas policy are based on a single communications intercept that has only been heard by those who have been able to attend the Israelis atrocity porno roadshow, and not experts who've previously proven Israel has faked such material. /2
Nov 17, 2023 19 tweets 5 min read
Another pitiful "why won't the British get behind the genocidal Israelis" whinge-fest from @DouglasKMurray that deploys all the main talking points (some of which I debunked last week in the thread below) of the pro-Israel camp.

I'll look at some I omitted below. /1
Image Murrays claim that the violence of 7/10 has "hardly been superseded in the whole history of violence" suggests he knows absolutely zero about history, or has a terminal case of zionist narcissim which cannot recognise the suffering inflicted on Palestinians by Israel. /2
Nov 10, 2023 29 tweets 6 min read
@DouglasKMurray: "Nothing could surpass the barbarism of what Hamas did that day."

A preposterous claim. The Israelis genocidal combination of intense air bombardment and their embargoing of the necessities for life exceeds the barbarism of Hamas's attack by a huge margin. /1 Image The gulf between what Hamas did on the 7th of October and Israels response is so immense that even to view them as "just as bad as each other" is an obscenity.

To claim a unique barbarity for 7/10 is just @DouglasKMurray flaunting his vacuity, charlatanry and moral idiocy. /2
Oct 20, 2023 9 tweets 2 min read
@alextomo of @Channel4News is tweeting more stuff on the Al Ahil Hospital bombing. I'm compiling his tweets into a thread (he didn't).

EXCLUSIVE - consortium of human rights forensic sound and image investigators publish new information on the Gaza City hospital bombing … /1 Image Doppler effect sound analysis of the sound of the missile has it coming from the east of Gaza they say..
They are using sound filmed by an eyewitness standing 150 metres southeast of the hospital as it was hit. @alextomo /2
Feb 17, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
"Superb and succinct" is an odd set of words to use to describe Aaronovitch's vapid, disingenuous and patronising speculation.

The antisemitsm scam, enabled by Zionist Jews/institutions and wielded by the lefts enemies, is the most sickening fraud in UK political history. /1 I can already hear the squeal of "antisemite" for singling out "Zionist Jews/Institutions", but the fact is that the scam wouldn't have got off the ground without significant endorsement from Jews. /2
Sep 21, 2022 20 tweets 5 min read
Unfortunately it's subscriber only so can't read it which is a shame as going by the link it's aimed at the 'ard left.

I'm still on the fence because this *isn't* liberal democracy sitting on one side nor a deranged nihilist screaming about nuclear annihilation on the other. /1 Image Anyone with an interest in the historical background to this miserable and unnecessary war can see that it's by and large the outcome of 30 odd years of disastrous policy towards post Soviet Russia.

Only western chauvinists, for whom every day is year zero, won't see that. /2
Jul 23, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
Propaganda in the UK (from the Daily Telegraph and right wing "think tank" Civitas). The use of facts and framing is highly selective.

3rd highest share of GDP (a reflection of low growth) in Europe on health rather than 10th in Europe in absolute figures. /1 It's also unclear which year is being used. The absolute figures I use where the UK is 10th in Europe is from 2021 - does that include some of the graft ridden Covid expenditures? Does it include relatively privileged people going private due to long NHS waiting times? /2
Apr 4, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Why did it take 2 days to find bodies on the streets of Bucha?

When the Major of Bucha was interviewed (published on 1/4/22 - link below) there's no mention of atrocities. He talked about 31/3/22 as being "the day of liberation from Russian Orcs". /1… Here's the Mayor of Bucha given his interview with English subtitles (either on 31/3 or 1/4).

Not a mention of atrocities which is strange given that at this moment, if the Ukrainian narrative is to be believed, there should be twenty corpses littering the streets of Bucha. /2
Feb 8, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Excellent article by @Jonathan_K_Cook
on the chasm between reality and rhetoric on Starmer/Savile though I'd add:

Regarding the Levitt enquiry that cleared Starmer of involvement in the Savile debacle: Levitt wasn't at Mishcon de Reya at that time. /1… She was employed (her Linkedin profile) at the CPS, so it's hard to see the 2012 Levitt enquiry as independent and avoid the opinion that the CPS cleared Starmer itself.

Incidentally Levitts Linkedin profile states she advised Starmer on "high profile charging decisions"!

Nov 26, 2019 8 tweets 3 min read

1. Today he was the latest prominent "leader" of the "Jewish community" to indulge in attacks on the Labour Party and Jeremy Corbyn.

The question is simply whether or not Mirvis is someone in a position to be moralising to the nation? 2. First of all we'll consider his politicw. It's clear from this brown nosing of Johnson where Mirvis's political sympathies lie. Johnson apart from being a serial liar, also has quite a lengthy list of racist statements on his record. None of these seem to bother the Rabbi.
Nov 7, 2019 7 tweets 5 min read
You can listen to this partisan hysteria (remember the JC's editor is Stephen Pollard who is on record as saying that no good can come from the left in any form), or look for more measured voices within the Jewish community such as Geoffrey Alderman:

Or if Historians aren't your thing and you prefer Comedians there's Alexi Sayle:

Nov 7, 2019 6 tweets 4 min read
You can listen to this partisan hysteria (remember the JC's editor is Stephen Pollard who is on record as saying that no good can come from the left in any form), or look for more measured voices within the Jewish community such as Geoffrey Alderman:

Or if Historians aren't your thing and you prefer Comedians there's Alexi Sayle: