Corbyn in the Times Profile picture
Now it's 1984, knock knock on your front door.

Nov 9, 2019, 6 tweets

Corbyn & the peace process II (2 to go)

Blair threatens to expel MP over Adams visit

'The Labour leadership last night threatened to eject Jeremy Corbyn from the parliamentary party for his "reprehensible" behaviour in inviting Gerry Adams to the House of Commons today.' 1/5

Donald Dewar, Labour Chief Whip

"a defiance of the steps taken by House authorities."

"particularly reprehensible in the light of the recent event involving the IRA. If he persists it will be matter of disciplinary action within the party."

Corbyn was undaunted. 2/5

It was Gerry Adams who saved Corbyn, by cancelling the meeting at 3 am. Meeting Corbyn & Benn privately & then holding a press conference on College Green outside Parliament. 3/5

However, Adams let slip the reason why he cancelled the meeting:

'he admitted that Labour allies were far more valuable to him if they remained within the party whip'.

Adams & Corbyn were allies. 4/5

'I think Corbyn is secure in the knowledge that it won't be blown up while Gerry Adams is inside.' 5/5

Threads continue at 20:00 tonight.

#GE19 #NeverCorbyn #CorbynIRA

Part III: The reaction.

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