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Apple TV aficionado, @macstoriesnet | Podcaster, Magic Rays of Light | 📩

Nov 12, 2019, 9 tweets

An article publishing later tonight. For now, I’m watching Disney+ shows whilst having tests done.
Time for some quick takes:

‘The World According to Jeff Goldblum’. I just love this guys brain. Art style is fantastic, as is the pacing and humour. Didn’t learn to much I didn’t know about “Sneakers” but an overall typically well polished show.

Also let me just say I really appreciated Jeff’s monologue on consumerism and our constant fascination with what’s next. Fantastic stuff.

‘Forky Asks a Question’ is a cute short. Bite sized content will eventually take over from advert breaks, in the streaming sphere in between long intense episodes. A perfect example of why Apple would be clever to allow users to create playlists for TV app compatible content.

Encore! does a great job interspersing real issues with performance. I’m not sure I’ll be back though. Maybe it’s because I’m British or that I don’t have fond school memories...

‘Pixar in Real Life’ is a fun 5 min hidden camera short. The first episode is based on ‘Inside Out’ in what’s an insightful social experiment. More of this!

‘High School Musical, The Musical, The Series’. I shouldn’t like this show. I do. A lot. #HSMTMTS Captures High School drama incredibly well and I’m a sucker for a good voice and a ukulele. Ready for episode 2!

‘Marvel’s Hero Project’ is pretty magical. I know some will be disappointed that there’s no original Marvel series at launch but this show does so much good with the Marvel branding. What an incredibly strong young lady...

Saving #Mandalorian for tonight. Surprisingly, Disney are bucking the trend of 1 hour plus premiere episodes. Will be interesting to find out whether 39 minutes will be enough...

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