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She/Her. Newsletter: Instagram and Threads: @monaeltahawy Buy Me a Coffee

Nov 23, 2019, 5 tweets

Loved my #7NecessarySins event at @wcfbook Friday night! Thank you all who came, asked Qs, bought books & brought me gifts! It was one of my favourite events so far. Thank you @MsBaci and staff at this wonderful feminist bookshop. And @heathercorinna - fabulous hanging out after!

And thank you librarians who are feminist and determined to give readers diverse, inclusive and representative books! #7NecessarySins

And look at this fab t-shirt @BeaconPressBks #7NecessarySins

So moved by Raed, a brother and comrade from #Saudi Arabia who came to my #7NecessarySins to show support for my work and to ask how he can best raise his daughters to be feminists

And look @MaazaMengiste whose fabulous book I spotted at @wcfbook #theshadowking

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