Corbyn in the Times Profile picture
The world turned upside down.

Dec 3, 2019, 10 tweets

Corbyn: 'NATO endangers us all'

Are we safe under Labour? 1/9

'NATO belligerence endangers us all'

'Peace campaigners in Britain need to look at the dangers of the mutual defence agreement with the US'.

Are we safe under Labour? 2

'NATO: A monopoly of expansion'

'The battle of words with Russia over Crimea cannot hide NATO's relentless march into eastern Europe & appetite for war in central Asia & Africa'

[after Russia annexed Crimea]

Are we safe under Labour? 3

'Get NATO out of our city'

Corbyn: 'It's time to close down NATO'

Are we safe under Labour? 4

Corbyn: NATO should have "shut up shop, given up and gone away"

"spatchcock of a history" being fed to people in Britain about NATO, arguing that the 28-state alliance constantly reinvents itself to manufacture "new reasons for going to war".

Are we safe under Labour? 5

'High time for an end to NATO'

'Since 1948 this NATO military alliance has gorged itself on resources'.

Are we safe under Labour? 6

'This statement headed NATO Means War... concluded "NATO has no place in our vision of a just world. It stands in opposition to democracy... and its repeated repressions on free speech & assembly"... It ended calling for a world of peace without NATO.

Are we safe under Labour?

Corbyn: "We need to make massive cuts in defence expenditure, including cancelling Trident and aircraft carriers"

Are we safe under Labour? 8

'Labour CND Conference'

'Yes We Can'

'Britain Out Of NATO - NATO out of Afghanistan'

Some of the usual suspects: Corbyn, Milne, Yaqoob & Shawcroft.

Tomorrow evening the reason why Corbyn hates NATO.

#GE19 #NeverCorbyn #AreWeSafe 9/9

He used to publicise his views on NATO.

H/T: @CalebOnTwatter

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