Max Blumenthal Profile picture
Editor, @TheGrayzoneNews

Dec 8, 2019, 17 tweets

Since I was arrested on a false accusation, the support has been amazing.

However, many prominent pro-regime change pundits sided with the cops, insisting I was guilty until proven innocent, and hoped I’d be silenced in jail.

A thorough list is here:…

Senior Editor of UAE-funded Foreign Policy and anti-China fanatic @BeijingPalmer declared without a scintilla of evidence that I “assault[ed] people freely.”

Disgruntled freelancer @DGisSERIOUS falsely declared I “kicked an old woman in the stomach.”

So much for due process. This tattooed neocon wanted me jailed because he didn’t like me exposing Syrian regime change propaganda.

Malicious online stalker & regime change rageaholic @im_PULSE, who has previously threatened me by phone, falsely accused me of “manhandling an elderly woman.”

Despite producing zero journalism, demented Idrees Ahmad is a journo prof at @stirjournalism

Here’s Egyptian coup cheerleader and Arab Spring wash-up @MonaEltahawy falsely accusing me of “assaulting a woman.”

How many women were killed in the Rabaa massacre she justified?

Boring liberal interventionist @sunny_hundal attacked @HeerJeet for defending me against false charges, demanding Jeet “exercise some judgment.”

Let this rush to judge me as guilty reflect on Sunny’s lack of judgment.

Celebrated US/UK perception manager @EliotHiggins interrupted his participation in interventionist deceptions to promote an anonymous blog post featuring the Venezuelan opposition activist’s false testimony against me.

I used to drink beers with @JoshuaHol & was always friendly.

Apparently getting your brain hacked by Russiagate and DNC talking points produces toxic behavior.

Here’s Josh lashing out at @rosendo_joe for defending me against false charges:

@JoshuaHol @rosendo_joe Here's @ThomasVLinge, the Macaulay Culkin of the NATO regime change community, spreading the lie that I kicked a woman and insisting that it was true because the cops said so.

@JoshuaHol @rosendo_joe @ThomasVLinge Self-described "freelance analyst" @NeilPHauer, who has consulted for the US Marines and EU, put his analytical talent on display by calling @HeerJeet a "moron" for defending me against false charges

@JoshuaHol @rosendo_joe @ThomasVLinge @NeilPHauer @HeerJeet Centrist online harasser @OzKaterji, who was just fired by the Daily Mail for publicly denigrating a co-worker, attempted to doxx me, said he'd buy the cops a beer for shackling me, and falsely claimed there was "video evidence" proving I was guilty.

@JoshuaHol @rosendo_joe @ThomasVLinge @NeilPHauer @HeerJeet @OzKaterji Here's the otherwise forgettable @willdizard suggesting I'm guilty before being proven innocent, and that there must be an "alternative version of events" that proved the false allegation was true

@JoshuaHol @rosendo_joe @ThomasVLinge @NeilPHauer @HeerJeet @OzKaterji @willdizard The @ReaganBattalion doxxed me & falsely claimed I was arrested for "kicking a pregnant woman."

I demand they retract & apologize for this - and for Central American death squads, ignoring the AIDS crisis, brutalizing American workers & the poor, and Reagan's wretched legacy.

The Canary Mission-style @StopAntisemites cheered on my arrest and falsely claimed I “assault[ed] a Venezuelan opposition figure.”

This Zionist hate site is run by Liora Rez & backed by unhinged Netanyahu ally @AdamMilstein

Federalist co-founder @seanmdav spread the false accusation against me and reveled in my jailing.

Davis’ right-wing rag also had a “black crime” hashtag to file journalistic masterworks like these:

Can’t forget about Counterpunch editor @joshua_frank, who aggressively downplayed my arrest on a false charge and claimed I was complaining about it “for [my] own gain.”

This disgrace is lucky Alex Cockburn can’t see him in action.

These hacks wanted me jailed because they didn’t like my journalism.

Show them this thread the next time they call for promoting democracy abroad.

These hacks reflexively sided with the cops against me.

Show then this thread the next time they condemn authoritarianism.

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