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Editor, @TheGrayzoneNews
93 subscribers
Feb 22 6 tweets 4 min read
The suspects behind attacks that helped trigger a national antisemitism freakout in Australia turn out to be apolitical scofflaws who've "never mentioned Israel or Palestine" and "wouldn't have the brains" to plan the attacks on their own…Image
Aussie politicians painted the discovery of explosives in a caravan as a massive planned antisemitic terror attack

It turns out to have been an an old stolen cache reported by prison inmates seeking a reduced sentence…Image
Jan 14 5 tweets 2 min read
Tony Blinken has already sustained two long interruptions during his closing Atlantic Council speech touting his own Middle East accomplishments: “Your legacy is genocide!” one protester shouted, causing Blinken to pause for over a minute.

This is the scene outside. Blinken’s speech is a narcissistic Zionist rant, blaming Hamas for “hiding behind civilians” and refusing to “put down its arms” and end its struggle. It is a call for total Palestinian subjugation and ultimately an effort to polish his own bloodstained record. He urges empathy for Israelis, while painting Palestinians as a historic roadblock to US regional ambitions. Painting himself as a moderate caught between extremes, he openly wonders if he applied too much pressure on Israel to show restraint. A disgraceful curtain call evidencing a lack of self awareness capped with an empty call for peace.
Dec 12, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
This is an obviously staged and fake scene by one of the biggest regime change frauds in corporate media. This prison had already been cleared out by HTS goon squads days earlier, then civilians scoured its cells for relatives. But somehow Clarissa Ward, the news actress who once faked being under direct fire by Hamas, and who has spent over a decade shamelessly propagandizing for the jihadists now executing minorities in Latakia, just happened upon the last prisoner slumbering under a blanket. This scam scenario reminds me of the time Ward's colleague, Arwa Damon, determined that Assad used chemical weapons by sniffing a child's backpack, and of the countless blatant deceptions deployed by the Syrian opposition on its way toward become the new gangster government. Journalist flim-flam like not only exposes the absence of editorial standards at CNN, it raises questions about the credibility of Ward's past pieces trumping up regime change in other countries targeted by US and UK intelligence.Image
CNN’s @clarissaward testified at the UN in 2017 as a guest of the US govt to clamor for regime change in Syria

There, she described “Islamist factions” like Jolani’s Al-Nusra as “heroes on the ground”
Nov 8, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Here are the Israeli Nazis chanting for the slaughter of Arab children after tearing down Palestinian flags and refusing to honor the moment of silence for Valencia

Sounds like some locals got fed up with these demons and decided to take out the trash Many videos going around of Israeli soccer goons vandalizing property in Amsterdam, attacking cops and bystanders, and ripping down Palestinian flags. Now this fascist infestation is playing the victim and waiting for airlifts back to the colonies.
Sep 16, 2024 7 tweets 4 min read
Would-be Trump shooter Ryan Routh has published a 291 page book, “Unwinnable War,” about his time in Ukraine’s Int’l Legion

Routh says he’d like to see Putin assassinated, seems to hope for Trump’s assassination as well, and calls for the US to “instigate” a nuclear war with Russia

Stating he’s neither a Democrat or Republican, Routh’s clearly articulated mindset toward Russia mirrors that of Beltway hardliners. He offers gushing admiration for Juan Guaido, the Free Syrian Army, Myanmar rebels, and other CIA backed forces, while hinting at a friendship with MSNBC natsec hack and fellow International Brigade member Malcolm Nance.Image Ryan Routh calls for the assassination of Putin and Lukashenko of Belarus, arguing that their killing would bring on the demise of the Russian’s state’s viability as an independent power, as no one can succeed Putin

Mar 4, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Today, Pramila Patten will launder the “Hamas mass rape” hoax through the UN

Patten was hosted and coached by Israel’s Foreign Ministry and Yossi Landau, the infamous ZAKA liar who fabricated tales of a fetus cut from a pregnant woman, beheaded babies and more

According to ZAKA, Patten’s visit was the result of Israel lobby pressure on the UN

Her tour was overseen by ZAKA and Landau, notorious fabulists who gifted her with a “Never Again” plaque which she wore around her neck
Dec 31, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Israeli "October 7 survivors" starred in a fashion show this month in the old city of Jaffa (where 10s of thousands of Palestinians were ethnically cleansed and sent to Gaza in 1948) Here's Israeli model Tal Lee Menachem, who "sought to symbolise the rape of so many Israeli women on Oct 7," according to the Daily Mail…
Dec 29, 2023 7 tweets 12 min read
While much of the NYT "mass Hamas rape" report relies on innuendo, it also purports to contain several credible eyewitness testimonies. One was delivered by a survivor of the Nova electronic music festival named Raz Cohen, who also happens to be an Israeli special forces vet who trains Congolese soldiers. Since his first interview on October 9, Cohen has altered his testimony several times.

Cohen told the NYT he personally witnessed a white van filled with Hamas militants pull up a mile from the Nova music festival, gather over a woman, and gang rape her: "I saw the men standing in a half circle around her. One penetrates her. She screams. I still remember her voice, screams without words.” He said they then butchered the woman with knives.

When Cohen was interviewed on October 9 about the attack on the music festival, however, he did not mention any act of sexual assault committed by Hamas militants. See here: And here:

A day later, Cohen began to introduce vague suggestions of sexual assault into his testimony, but did not indicate that he witnessed any such acts taking place.
“The terrorists captured women and hurt them in any way possible, and when they were done with them, they started butchering them in front of their friends,” Cohen told an Israeli publication:

Cohen was also interviewed by Canada's CBC on October 10, but was not quoted about witnessing any rape:
The same day, Cohen offered lurid new details to PBS, claiming that "the terrorists" not only slaughtered women after raping them on October 7, but engaged in necrophilia as well: “The terrorists, people from Gaza, raped girls. And after they raped them, they killed them, murdered them with knives, or the opposite, killed — and after they raped, they — they did that.”

Testimony he provided to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation on October 11 differed slightly, and remained vague: "We see from there a lot of people and girls screaming and murdered by knives. And the girls, the terrorists rape them," he stated abruptly and without apparent emotion.

By this point, no Israeli media had reported that any rapes occurred on October 7.

Cohen quickly fell off the media's radar. He would not be heard from for over two months, when the Israeli government launched an international propaganda campaign accusing Hamas of mass rape in a transparent bid to maintain international support for its genocidal military assault on Gaza.

At this point, when the NY Times' Jeffrey @gettleman interviewed Cohen, likely reaching him with assistance from the Israeli government, the "IDF" special forces soldier summoned for the first time a vivid account of a shocking gang rape on October 7.

How and why did Cohen's story transform so dramatically over time, providing explosive new details at a moment of political urgency for the army in which he served? Was it plausible that a group of hardened Hamas commandoes suddenly paused their surprise attack, which was focused on taking as many captives as quickly as possible, stood in a circle and gang raped a woman, one after another, while Israeli forces mobilized to attack them? Why did Hamas militants use knives to kill their victims, as Cohen alleged, when they carried rifles and grenades? Why did he drop his earlier allegation of necrophilia when speaking to the Times? And why did he mention seeing "a lot of people and girls" being raped to the ABC on October 11, but alter his testimony to refer specifically to a single female victim when interviewed by the Times?

Perhaps most importantly, why did Cohen's friend, Shoam Gueta, who took shelter with him on October 7, not describe witnessing a gang rape when interviewed by the Times?

The Times must have been so determined to validate a propaganda campaign by the criminally mendacious Israeli government that it dispensed with all skepticism, and did not even bother vetting the supposed eyewitnesses. In the hours and days ahead, I will continue to dissect the dubious testimonies that form that basis of the paper's "investigation."…………… A 24-year-old accountant only identified as "Sapir" is described by the NY Times as "one of the Israeli police’s key witnesses."

Yet one of Sapir's key claims undermines the rest of her unbelievably lurid testimony. According to the Times, "she saw three other women raped and terrorists carrying the severed heads of three more women."

There is no confirmed record of women being beheaded on October 7. None.

While Hellfire missiles from Israeli Apache helicopters and shells from Israeli tanks may have badly dismembered many of the Israelis and Palestinians they killed on October 7, no record exists of women being decapitated with knives.

Sapir goes on to allege that she witnessed one Hamas militant rape a woman while "the other throws her breast to someone else, and they play with it, throw it, and it falls on the road.”

This absurdly graphic recollection of Palestinian gunmen playing with severed breasts closely resembles an account furnished to the BBC by May Golan, the self-described "proud racist" who now serves as Israel's Minister of Women's Empowerment:

Why did the Times fail to corroborate Sapir's lurid claim of a triple beheading with official pathologist records? This seems like yet another clearcut case of journalistic malpractice in the service of an apartheid state currently engaged in the crime of genocide.Image
Dec 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Released Israeli captives tell Netanyahu's war cabinet how they were deliberately attacked by Israeli helicopters on their way into Gaza, and were shelled constantly by the Israeli military while they were there

This is a mass Hannibal procedure Image Released abductee Menir Oz: "We were sitting in the tunnets we were terribly afraid that not Hamas but Israel would kill us, and then they would say – Hamas killed you." Image
Dec 5, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
BBC's key voice here is May Golan, a Kahanist thug who led anti-Black race riots in Tel Aviv before she was appointed Israel's Minister of Women's Empowerment

"I'm proud to be a racist!" Golan declared at one fascist rally she led

Watch and ask, is this hooligan credible?
The BBC's rape report is loaded with demonstrable fabrications and at the heart of it all is the literal fascist hooligan-turned-politician May Golan

She's widely regarded as a demented clown in Israel, but seen as a credible minister of "women's empowerment" by the BBC
Oct 25, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
The tyrannical ethnosupremacist regime of Israel has killed the family of Al Jazeera’s Wael Dahdouh while he was on air covering its missile strikes

The targeted murder comes a day after Tony Blinken demanded Qatar suppress Al Jazeera’s coverage of Gaza
US Secretary of State and de facto Israel lobbyist Tony Blinken says he demanded Qatar “reign in” Al Jazeera’s coverage of the Gaza slaughterhouse…
Jul 7, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Laura Cooper, a 20 year+ Pentagon official, set the stage for Biden's authorization of cluster munitions to Ukraine, telling Congress on June 30 they would be "useful" vs Russian armor

Cooper previously assisted the impeachment of Trump by claiming his freezing of military aid……
"Laura K. Cooper was one of multiple Pentagon officials who warned the White House that freezing congressionally approved aid to Ukraine could violate the law"…
Jun 15, 2023 10 tweets 6 min read
Radio New Zealand has initiated an editorial audit over supposed "pro-Russian" editing of 22 stories which contain language that does not comport with US State Department-approved talking points

One article removed a reference to Maidan as a coup… Image Another RNZ article is under review because it failed to adequately justify the Ukrainian government's raid on an Orthodox church and arrest of a priest for speech crimes… Image
Jun 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
Rachel Maddow doesn’t do Q&A from the audience, so I had to find another way to ask her about her relentless promotion of the most discredited hoaxes of Russiagate, from the Steele Dossier to Russian bounties

She peered silently at my badge and security quickly pounced on me My attempt to question Maddow took place at the Lockheed Martin and Palantir-sponsored Truman Project’s national conference

She had just given a paranoid & dull speech about Nazi infiltration of WWII-era USA, and how it parallels the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory

More here:
Jun 2, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
At TrumanCon panel on diversity, equity, inclusion featuring Pentagon officials, I asked how many equitable bombs produced by conference sponsor Lockheed Martin were dropped on kids of color in Palestine & Syria

I also asked if any non-binary US Navy divers blew up Nord Stream The Truman Project was created to cultivate rabidly pro-war, socially progressive Democratic politicians and policy makers. It’s sponsored by a who’s who of arms makers and security contractors. Image
May 23, 2023 7 tweets 4 min read
At this event on the Diaa digital ID app, I asked Ukraine’s ambassador to the US Oksana Markarova about her govt promoting itself as a laboratory for predatory surveillance tech & its maintenance of a kill list that includes my colleagues Anya and @aaronjmate

She walked away Eurasia Foundation Pamela Spratlen was on stage beside the Chairman of Visa, who celebrated the war as an opportunity to push new means of digital payments on Ukrainians.

I asked her if she she was at all ashamed to promote disaster capitalism.

A USAID guy shoved me away.
May 16, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
Lol 158 million of US taxpayer $ was wasted in 2 minutes of spectacular failure as a Patriot battery was struck by a Russian hypersonic missile, so the Pentagon turned to Natasha Bertrand- the discredited Russiagate conspiracist who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop - to save face Four days ago, @jaketapper and @OrenCNN reported - as the Pentagon told them to - that the Russian attack on the Patriot battery was “flubbed.”

Now, as video of the attack comes to light, the Pentagon has been forced to change its story.

May 16, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
All the corporate Dem hacks are coming out of the woodwork to trash RFK

The latest is Matt Bai, who either does not know that Russia and Ukraine are in Europe, or believes the paranoid neocon mantra that "we have to fight Putin over there, so we don't have to fight him here" Image Actually, @mattbai, everyone from Fauci to the CDC’s Walensky stated with total confidence that the Covid vaccine prevented transmission.

They did so to justify threatening Americans with job loss & social castigation to force it in their veins. And they knew they were lying. Image
May 7, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
The Canadian and US govts funded a study (via academic proxies) portraying "far-left" Canadians as de facto criminals for opposing the Ukraine proxy war and criticizing neocon Canadian-Ukrainian Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland.

Freeland personally authorized the study's budget. ImageImageImage According to the US/Canadian regime-funded study, "NATO is responsible for the [Ukraine proxy] war" is a "far-right phrase."

Given Ottawa's use of emergency law against "far-right" truckers protesting vax mandates, this feels like a step toward criminalizing antiwar activity. Image
May 7, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Looks like the NY Times - led by Bellingcat US govt asset Aric Toler - is the FBI/DOJ's channel for painting Pentagon leaker Jack Teixeira as a "conspiracy theorist" through a curated dump of his private chats, including some that contain strong elements of truth. ImageImage Teixeira's 3/22 chat about "[US] commanders" worried about a Russian seizure of Ukrainian biolabs echoed Nuland's testimony the same month:
"Ukraine has biological research facilities which, in fact, we are now quite concerned...Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of" Image
Apr 19, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
In announcing his presidential bid today, @RobertKennedyJr delivered a blistering attack on the US war state

RFK said Biden has made Ukraine "a pawn in a geopolitical battle" that has "put the flower of Ukraine's youth into an avatar of death in order to exhaust Russia"
🧵 RFK Jr. framed the billions in US military aid to Ukraine in terms of the war the US government has waged on its poor at home, denouncing the archipelago of 800+ US bases abroad and calling for redirecting military spending to America's needy