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Dec 10, 2019, 8 tweets

With Boris Johnson poised to win a majority in Thursday’s #GeneralElection2019, Remainers could be about to lose their 3 1/2 year fight to stop Brexit

3 problems currently plaguing the remain side
1⃣ The Liberal Democrat’s controversial Brexit policy
2⃣ Feuds within the People’s Vote campaign
3⃣ Labour’s ambiguity

Jo Swinson’s election as leader of the Liberal Democrats in July was a high point for pro-Europeans. But her marquee promise to revoke Brexit has proved unpopular with voters who see it as undemocratic

The most widely-anticipated poll of the campaign suggests the Lib Dems will lose 3 seats and gain 4 nationally — a net gain of just one seat from the 2017 election #GeneralElection2019

Personal feuding and infighting has crippled the People’s Vote campaign

One of the biggest obstacle to stopping Brexit has been the Labour Party’s reluctance to fully come out in support of remaining. That's because Labour is split on the issue

Complicating voters’ calculations even further, a plethora of anti-Brexit tactical voting websites don’t always agree on who is best to vote for

The last hope for those wanting to stay in the EU is a hung parliament in the #GeneralElection2019.

If that happens, Jeremy Corbyn would likely need the Lib Dems or the Scottish National Party to prop up a Labour-led government

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