Amy Klobuchar Profile picture
U.S. Senator from Minnesota.

Dec 21, 2019, 5 tweets

27 counties. 4 days.

COUNTY 1 on our #ForAllOfAmerica bus tour: Henry County, Iowa! Sharing my message from last night’s debate: what unites us is far stronger than what divides us and we must beat Donald Trump in 2020.

COUNTY 2: In 2012, Jefferson County voted for President Obama to serve a second term.

In 2016, they flipped and voted for Donald Trump.

I'm here today making my case in 2020: we can and will win in rural America. #ForAllofAmerica

COUNTIES 3 & 4: Van Buren & Davis. Stopped at Misty’s for a malt and then Sidelines Grill. People here know that it’s time to bring this country together. That’s what I’ll do: unite our country with an optimistic economic agenda and beat Donald Trump. #ForAllofAmerica

COUNTY 5: Ended the day in Centerville, Iowa! Let’s see...Last 24 hours: debate, post-debate, 4 a.m. wake up for morning interviews & now we’ve taken our green bus to 5 Iowa counties. Good place to get some sleep! (And thanks everyone we raised $1 million online at same time)!

COUNTY 6: Started our morning in Wayne County, Iowa where I met Joanne. I learned we both had similar experiences with our 4th grade teachers: they told us to “speak up.” It’s all about finding your voice, & I told Joanne I hope to see her in Washington one day. #ForAllOfAmerica

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