Amy Klobuchar Profile picture
U.S. Senator from Minnesota.

Dec 21, 2019, 7 tweets

COUNTY 7: Decatur! In Lamoni, Iowa (population: 2,300). We’re 43 days away from the Iowa caucus & people are showing up because they know what it’s going to take to #WinBig: we need to bring people with us, go everywhere & leave no one behind. #ForAllofAmerica

COUNTY 8: Thanks Sarah & Steve, Clarke County Dems Co-Chairs & everyone who came to Osceola, IA today to talk about infrastructure, affordable housing and so much more. From big cities to small towns, people want an optimistic economic agenda and an opportunity to succeed.

COUNTY 9: Union County! And Malcolm here just gave me the Iowa “golden ticket” - a commit to caucus card signed by him! #ForAllofAmerica

COUNTIES 10 & 11: Ringgold & Adams. Visited one of Iowa’s many freedom rocks in honor of our veterans and then sat down with two small business owners at Primrose - their farm to table restaurant. Next time I’ll come back for dinner! #ForAllOfAmerica

COUNTY 12: Just visited the Tinsel Tree Lane at the Taylor County Museum with their County Chair, Betty, and the cutest little reindeer (Charlie)! #ForAllofAmerica

COUNTY 13: A very Iowa welcome from the Page County Democrats -- homemade ham balls! The 83rd county we have visited in Iowa, with many more to come on this trip! Come meet us on the road →

COUNTY 14: Visited Fremont County, our 84th Iowa county overall. People here know that they’ve got a home with me. Because I don’t want to be the President for half of America — I want to be the President #ForAllOfAmerica.

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