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Dec 22, 2019, 26 tweets

Most ridiculous war propaganda by "very serious" American media outlets.

Incubator Babies.

Human shredder.

Stack of corpses.

Acid Baths.

uh... what???

Amnesty international also confirms the fake incubator babies.

Actually, he won these elections about as fair as elections could have be...

The New York Times thought it was okay to run such a horrible Op-ed?


There is nothing racist about calling an entire nation of foreigners "barbarians"


I call this the unified theory of Weapons of Mass Destruction

Such reliable sources...

New York Times here implying there was a link between Saddam Hussein and 9/11.

This one may have been the actual worst one!

This doesn't even make any logical sense.

This is an improvement.. recently they have been complaining about Iranian ships being in the Persian gulf.

Multiple times...

This was pre-Vietnam propaganda

What a strange way to describe "Nazi"

Concrete Soccer balls

(This also never happened)

Puncturing Sarcophagus.

He also had a torture chamber on 79th street!

Goebels would be proud.

I'm only laughing because this is coming from George W. Bush's white house.


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