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Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Dec 28, 2019, 19 tweets

Alright, I have a weird, rambling theory. Not sure if I’m behind the curve here, but it ties the reveal of Q, the Bible, Canaanites/Epstein, and connected drops about “Asking the Q”

Let’s see where this goes.

2/ I decided to go back and look at every time we were told “something BIG” was going to drop or was coming. Found some interesting things.

First, this will be an important reference for the point I’m going for: the famous Q Anon Baby.
Oct 2018 post, then the Q baby

3/ Of course, the original post by Q Anon Baby was not about a baby at all, but an “important moment in time” (see below).

So, moving on

4/ I went through all the “Something BIG” posts & I’ll just save time and say several had To do with Asking the Q - as does the post that I started with

5/ So I started revisiting all the “Asking the Q” drops and this one jumped out at me:

6/ First, what is FBI Episode 13?

It’s an episode called “Partners in Crime”.

I don’t know the the context of the “who the hell’s Q” quote yet, but that’s a separate rabbit hole. But I felt the episode title was worth mentioning.

- death of NYPD cop
- missing teen girl

7/ But on to my main point.

We saw above how “Q Anon Baby” was a poster’s name, then an actual baby. Multiple meanings.

Here, the poster is “JudahsTrumpets” aka “Lion of Judah”.

Let’s get BIBLICAL ;)

8/ In a *very* brief nutshell, Judah one of the 12 Tribes of Israel and where we get the term Judaism.

9/ One of the major players for Judah was Joshua, who chilled with Moses and got his own Book of the Bible as he... destroyed the Canaanites.

For those of you tracking on the evil Epstein cult, alarm bells should be ringing

10/ A lot of great research has been done on the ancient evil of the Canaanites - especially @40_head

Here’s one link to one of his great threads

11/ Now for the good shiz

Arguably the most memorable story of the Old Testament was how the Israelites destroyed Jericho.

The marched around it - blaring their TRUMPets (or ram horns)... and *raised a great shout* until the walls fell and Jericho was destroyed

12/ So now, back to the poster’s name:

13/ What does this mean? I have a strong theory, but let’s get to the Lion.

What’s the Lion of Judah?

A symbol of power.

And a reference to Jesus Christ.

14/ And What did Q post right after the 3756 and asking the Question?

15/ So what does this mean?

They blared their TRUMPets and gave a mighty shout.

Q is asking us to begin the shouting?

3748, 3664

Be ready Anons.

16/ The final thought: this is centered around the Israelites.

I don’t know what this means. But I don’t believe it’s a coincidence:



I noticed that BIG was always capitalized. For emphasis, sure, but there are layers to everything, right? So I looked up acronyms for BIG

Two that stood out:

Believe In God

Balm in Gilead

And the latter... whoa Nellie, more Israeli references:

19/ So again, a reference to Jesus, & now also a reference to “spiritual medicine THAT IS ABLE TO HEAL ISRAEL”

Just extra possible tie-ins.

@40_head @Mareq16 @TyrannisCave @JuliansRum @DEFEND_FREEDQM @hmcd123 @CarrollQuigley1 @mwam1993 @Blackstonecomms @GunnySnark

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